Who is Red John?

Theories of rjrjburningbright (1)

After 6X08 aired, so many people were posting reactions.  Most of them were fascinating to read, as a lot of us Mentalist fans had very strong reactions to how the Red John reveal was handled.  I didn’t have quite as much to say, so I never posted any theories at that time.  It’s a couple months late now, but I wanted to post my reaction.

McAllister as Red John.  I thought Haffner was gonna be RJ, but Sheriff was my second choice.  I really didn’t have good arguments why it should be him like I did for Haffner.  The best reasons for McAllister I ever saw on this site really had nothing to do with “clues.”  Because, as many of you have said, they ignored the clues.  Anyway, people questioned why they would bring back McAllister after only appearing in 1X02, unless he was RJ.  The other argument I liked was the handshake one.  The list of 7 were all people who Jane had shaken hands with.  Obviously, not all were shown on camera.  Therefore, we can likely conclude that RJ is one of the handshakes not shown on camera, otherwise, why are those guys on the list?  I thought Xander B. did a good job portraying RJ given the circumstances.  It is annoying though that we only got to see Red John once before season 6 and back then they didn’t have him cast as RJ.  I wish we would have seen RJ as much as Bertram and Stiles.

The pigeon trick.  This part didn’t bother me as much as a lot of fans.  I didn’t even think about the fact that he got past Cordero with the bird undetected until I started reading stuff online.  But I can buy that Jane could do that.  He’s a con man, magician type.  The part I don’t like about the bird thing is McAllister’s phobia.  In 6X03, he acts like anybody else would when the bird flies at him.  This is also true in 6x08, when Patrick surprises him.   Sheriff never appeared as someone who had a bird phobia.  He appeared as someone who gets startled by a bird.

There were 4 different occasions Red John could have killed Patrick (or let him die) but didn’t
.  Season 2 finale, 6x03 on the roof, 6x06 with the bomb, and 6x08 in the church.  I guess this is just a general complaint for me with movies or television.  The villain never kills the hero when they have the opportunity.  Red John is so smart and has been following Patrick for years.  Yet, when Patrick wants to show him something (bread crumbs), he doesn’t seem at all worried that Patrick is trying to trick him!  You really thought Jane was helpless to hurt you in that chapel?!  Come on!

Timothy Carter scene vs. McAllister scene
.  Is it just me, but wasn’t there a lot more dialogue with Carter than McAllister?  Even though I thought the Carter scene was better, I wouldn’t have wanted the Mentalist to end with the season 3 ending.  RJ wouldn’t just let Patrick kill him like Carter did.  Jane would have to outwit RJ like he did with McAllister, although the execution of it wasn’t the most creative way the writers could have done it.  The strawberries and cream line was more haunting than anything McAllister said to Jane.

How did RJ know the list of 7?
 Since this was left wide open, a lot of people were unhappy.  I guess we all have our preferences about which plot lines we wish were explained.  I think it is unrealistic for EVERYTHING to be explained.  The list thing is a big part of the show so I can understand why people were upset.  Bottom line is I don’t think there are psychics in the show.  So your guess is as good as mine.  Of course, there were other things unexplained or unrevealed.   For me, I wish they would have shown a flashback to Kristina Frye being abducted, Rebecca being killed, RJ painting a smiley face,  RJ’s connection to Visualize, McAllister setting off the bombs, how he started the blake association etc.

Ending the RJ saga 8 episodes into the 6th season and then going in a new direction
.  The first 5 season finales all were about RJ.  I know, I know, some of you are saying season 6 will be too, but I’m not that optimistic.  I always envisioned Jane killing RJ and then just one wrap-up episode after that.  Or Jane confronts RJ the episode before the series finale and they leave a cliffhanger.  Then the series finale picks up where they left off and Jane defeats RJ and then the last half of the episode is closure of the show.  I don’t know, am I the only surprised they didn’t do it that way?  I was never sure about who RJ was but I really thought that is how they would end the series.  These last 3 episodes feel like random episodes from season 1 through 5 except Jane, Lisbon, and Cho work for the FBI and Risby and Van Pelt are gone.  But the thing is, seasons 1 through 5 were Jane chasing RJ.  So if 6x09, 10 and 11 are not RJ related, what is the show based on?  I really don’t know how to answer that question.  It seems like there is no overarching storyline now.  Very puzzling

The quality of 6X08 as a whole
.   I didn’t hate it like many Who is Red John people did.  But I probably wouldn’t put it in my list of top 10 mentalist episodes.  Now that’s sad.  To make 6X08 the best episode ever is lofty, but come on, they didn’t even make it as good as the season finales.  Some of the episodes with Lorelei were better.  06X04 was probably better.  I could go on.  I thought the ending scene of 6X08 is definitely a top 5 mentalist scene though.  The chapel and chase parts were very average.

I still love the Mentalist
.  It has been my favorite tv show of all time.  I first came across it a couple of years ago.  I feel bad for those of you who watched the show since the beginning and felt shortchanged with the RJ reveal.  What really shocks me is the people who stopped watching after seeing 6X08.  I think their expectations were too high.  One bad episode, or two, or three, would never keep me from watching.  But I guess some people were only watching for the Red John mystery.

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