Who is Red John?

Theories of redtreess (1)

Idk, the whole leaked thing was 45 mins, so all the scenes were there. Sound and music can only do so much.The main complaint is that there are many questions unanswered. Thats fine with me. It makes sense in PATRICK'S perspective. Patrick doesn't want to give this disgusting piece of inhuman filth the satisfaction that he was curious. Red John thrives on attention and appreciation. Patrick's last words to him and his refusal to hear any explanations from Red John was him spiting him. Serial killers like red john kill for a reason. They like to feel "special" when all they are is abominations. Red John created this mystique and mystery crap around him, and Patrick refusing to give a crap about his trick and how he did them is him completely killing Red John, in both soul and body.

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