Who is Red John?

Theories of redLion (6)

For all the people saying clues don't add up, here are some facts.

1. McAllister is not middle-aged: according to the Collins Dictionary middle-age means this is "[...] usually considered to occur approximately between the ages of 41 and 60" and since Xander Berkeley is 55 years old, this argument is invalid

2. It doesn't fit Rosalind description (first part): Rosalind stated that RJ was "just under six feet" (which I doubt she measured with a measuring tape), and since Xander is 6 feet tall and considering that it was an approximation this is an invalid argument

3. It doesn't fit Rosalind description (second part): Rosalind stated that he has straight hair (which McAllister has), but some of you are protesting because he is semi-bald, although those are two independent statements I will play along; So, he is semi-bald, but was him when Rosalind met him?, I mean at the beginning of the show (5 years ago) he wasn't.

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Bruno said early this season "I know some people will be disappointed when we finally catch Red John", and I know this is true today and this would have been true no matter who they choose, I know everybody had their favourites and to be honest McAllister wasn't my favourite either, but let's face it; it makes perfect sense. They did a good job and everything was perfect. Yes, the trailer spoiled a little, but remember that nothing was certain (everybody said that young boy at IMDB was the young Red John.)

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Theory #12929 • By redLion
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This is my theory on how things happened in Jane's house:
1. First we heard a gunshot: The only one that had access to a gun was Patrick; Besides, if somebody had in fact a gun the only possible target would have been Patrick Jane, and none of them would have failed that shot (as they are all police), so, who Jane shot? and more importantly why?. 

Haffner tried to make a move, Patrick sees him and somebody yells "wait! no", well that's Stiles trying to stop patrick to shoot him, Patrick shoots and Stiles takes the shot for Haffner. So, now we have a dead guy, 3 suspects, and Haffner who is now furious; at the end of the day Stiles is his leader and mentor. Jane finds out in a situation where he lost control; he won't be able to figure out who RJ is, but luckily he has a plan B, he hided a bomb in his house, so he detonated it. And the rest is history.

Talking a little bit about the bomb, there is no reason why RJ would have to detonate a bomb, let me explain: if Haffner (or Stiles) is RJ he is not gonna be interrogated, and if he is any of the others three Patrick will not be able to figure out which one.

Moreover, both Bob and Brett are dead, there is no reason too put such a creppy weirdo as a charismatic mastermind, and Bob was declared dead by tyger tyger.

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I have decided to make a list of questions that should be explained in the next episode(s):

1. How did Red John knew the list before Jane did?
2. Why did Red John Killed Partridge?
3. Why didn't Red John Killed Teresa?
4. What have happened with Michael Kirkland?
5. Why did kirkland killed a member of the RJ organization at the hospital?
6. What is the RJ connection with visualize?
7. How did Red John survived the bomb?
8. How did he put the bomb in first place?
9. What was that shot heard at the end of episode 6?
10. Who is Bertram calling just after Jane asked him to go to unveil RJ?
11. What does 'He is mar" means?
12. Is RJ the creator/director of the Blake organization?
13. What is up with all the birds long scenes that appeared in all episodes of this season?
14. Why did RJ put a recording device on the CBI office, especially since the Tyger Tyger already have all phones intercepted? 

And there are things that does not add up with the description that we have of RJ and most of the suspect, for example, Reede was kind of bossy at Bertram office to who is supposedly his leader. 

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Brett Patridge was killed because Red John wanted to keep Jane busy by showing him a corrupt organization (Tyger Tyger) or maybe trying to imply RJ was member of that organization, that's why Red John let Teresa alive, he wanted her to "send a message" to Jane, the message was what Patridge said before he died(?) (Tyger Tyger), now with the detective death and the tattoo is the same thing: he is trying to confuse Patrick.

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This theory is based on the supposition that Patridge is dead, that assumption is to be hold until the next episode.

So, the reduced list comes to this (in order of plausibility):

6. Gale Bertram: although he is a really powerful man and kind of mysterious, he has not the psycho personality nor the intuition to be Red John, my theory about him is that he may have debts with Red John and is part of his informative crew.

5. Reese Smith: He is too compulsive and aggressive, contrary to Red John who is an "Artist, a Show man", he does not kill because of anger, he kills because of pride and enjoyment.

4. Thomas McAllister: The theory #4740 explains why he is not lower on this list, but we do not have anything on him, he just appeared in one episode and he was just a creppy cop.

2. Bret Stiles: He is with visualize which we know is pretty related to Red John's start (Red Barn episode), he has the intelligence, personality and charisma of a perfect Red John suspect. However, at his age he can not be Red John. But, he may be one of the main accomplices of Red John, he also has power inside the police (as we saw when he helped Patrick free Lorelei).

2 Bob Kirkland: It is clear he is deeply involved with RJ; he stole Jane's research, killed a RJ's friend to silence him, and has a rivalry with Patrick Jane, but he is far too obvious, and he is NOT cautious. I will say he is RJ right hand.

1. Ray Haffner: Raymond is like Jane; he has control of himself (and control others), he can be smooth and casual, he is a "member" of visualize and (probably) was at the barn when the first RJ murder occurred. He tried to take Lisbon, remember Lisbon has been a RJ target in many episodes, when RJ asked for a gift he asked for Lisbon, and now he took Lisbon to weaken Jane (I assume she is not dead and this is a plan to stop Jane)

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