Who is Red John?

Theories of mikefit (43)

Here's me going out on a whacky limb. Rewatching the end of ep 7, the "wait, Don't" voice sound like Malcom McDowell to me.

Anyone else think that? Maybe Hafner pulls a secondary gun and McDowell is telling him not to shoot?

I'm not saying who might be RJ, but that's a possible scenario for the house.

I also think there will have to be a flashback scene in ep 8 to explain what happened at the house..why was the shot gun originally placed just-so. Who shot the shot? Who's body parts were there? What did Jane really plan or find out there or before that scene? Did Jane coordinate with and trust one of those 5?

Could be interesting if he actually ended up ruling out Hafner and Stiles and trusted them in the end.... Or maybe he trusted one and not the other, or he trusted McAllister...Def needs a flashback......

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For sake of argument, I accept that RJ could still be any of the 7 suspects except for Reed or Bertram. Id rule Partridge out too, but to many people go crazy for him and might hurt them selves if it isn't him, so I wont. Please add more to this list as I am sure to have missed a few of the crazier theories/ideas...Also no offense if these are your theories. It is only my take after all...

What I will say, is here are some of the theories or comment I think are the most far fetched:

1. Partridge, twice confirmed dead is still alive. Maybe he is, but if so, it should be considered as a really weak/dull plot twist.

2. Fear of pigeons. Reall, are we going to find out that a huge glaring clue was that one of the characters fear of PIGEONS was a major plot point?

3. Ep 7 announces Bertram as ep 7 and titilates us to keep guessing in ep 8 who really is RJ and then it still ends up being no twist--Bertram. That would be pretty week.

4. RJ is not one serial killer but a title that three or more people share. That would be lame.

5. #4 plus one of those Red Johns being the son of Brett Stiles (He's old so defacto he must be RJ's father.

6. The man in the church in the promo is Mashburn because its the exact same hair...oh boy, nice try, that could be anyone.

7. Van Pelt is Red John

8. Craig Loughlin is the most hung of all characters...Well this one might be true. he is hot and does look like he swings a big stick...

9. Summer is not a dirty ho... please she has had more dingdongs in her than a urinal at the Cheesecake Factory.

10. So and so has the exact voice of RJ...yeah thats the thing thats going to connect us to the culprit...

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I keep watching the new promo, and a few thoughts I'd be curious to hear others comments/criticism on:

1. We see the man running through the cemetery and then see the man (Xander probably) crashing through the glass. My guess is the man running away in the cemetery is a different person than the man crashing through the glass (though the promo wants us to just think we are seeing the same guy for both scenes). Anyone agree/disagree on that?

2. Just a thought on the scene where Rigsby et al point their guns at the guy that appears to be the new FBI (Rockmond?) guy... Maybe they are preventing him from stopping Jane, which leads to them being kicked out of law enforcement in remaining episodes of the season...

Just thought I'd take a break from the List of & theories..

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BERTRAM - No way, if he was RJ hey wouldn't want us guessing about it only to reveal that, yeah he's still RJ in episode 8. He also wouldn't kill PJ while PJ is unconscious in the hospital. Also all his actions in ep 7 show a defeated man on the run...not RJ the worthy adversary. PJ would not out him in the press. PRO - There are really no pros left for him at this point.

REED - Lets all agree he's done.

PARTRIDGE - PRO- True we never see his face in morgue and technically Lisbon never checked his pulse when she watched him die, maybe its bad writing and they allow two top detectives (Cho/Lisbon) make rookie mistakes. Also, the cut odd tattoo is interesting. Finally, so many things rule out all of the other 6, that I have to acknowledge that they may even be so un-inventive and unoriginal as to have the killer be the creepy forensic guy cliche (Law and Order SVU, Bones, NCIS, Dexter, etc.).

MCALLISTER - PRO - Promo really seems to show him being alive when presumed dead. Wine storage lady calls Gale Bertram "Thomas." Promo makes us think He is being chased. Has been there from the beginning. After Hafner, he most closely matches Rosaland/Sophie descriptions.
CON - If a promo sort of "tells" me the answer to a mystery I automatically assume it is misdirection. This is a huge blow to me believing McAllister could be RJ.

HAFNER - PRO -  Fits RJ descriptions better than any of the others. If McAllister is alive, seems that others from the house could be too. What the hell happened in that house..gunshot...?
CON- Seems he's dead. Maybe one person faked death in that house, but there has to be somebody or two dead in there. Seems more likely that the BLAKE side of the room was the safer side of the room to be on for faking death while surviving. 

STILES - CON - Same as Hafner, PRO- Seems too grand a character to have a mundane exit and seems odd that the Visualize angle would be closed now with him and Hafner dying.

KIRKLAND - PRO - Outside chance he looks like someone in the church (via stills from the promo). He's creepy, and the whole possible twin brother theories seem to have some interest, especially since strong cases can be made to eliminate the other 6 suspects. CON - We saw him die badly and the twin thing would be tough to weave in in just one episode without it being sloppy.

EPISODE 7- PRO -  I can completely eliminate Bertram and Smith which I couldn't do before EP 7. 
CON - I am much more confused about who of the other 5 it could be...

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Ok, I still think RJ is either Hafner or McAllister (still alive), but in fairness to Kirkland fans, I acknowledge room in the story for it to be the evil twin cliche.

We are told or made to assume RJ is the head of BLAKE and no one seems to know who the head of BLAKE is. So Bob K going around asking "Do you recognize me" fits in with trying to figure things our regarding RJ/Head of Blake.

Again, I'm not on board with this but the alternative is that with Smith, Bertram, and Partridge now ruled out, the only people left are those dead in the house.

So it's looking like RJ cut off a body part to leave in the blast or something equally crazy...

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Remember the photo we saw last week of Smith being "killed" by the cop? Shows do this all the time, especially in promos. In the promo this week, we see someone crashing through the glass and it looks like McAllister when we see the stills. Either it is McAllister and they want us to think we guessed "oh that must be RJ" because he's in the promo as a rouse.

It could also be that they thought that even if we captured a still, we wouldn't be able to tell it's McAllister because his head is down.

If it is McAllister in the still, it only means he is not dead and that he MIGHT be RJ. It could also mean that he is alive and someone else from the house is also alive and either he or that other guy is RJ.

Bertram is on the run because he was found out, not because he is RJ. Would RJ sneak in and kill PJ while he's unconscious? No way. We know for certain that RJ is not Smith or Bertram. That means if the list of 7 is true, it has to be one of the dead people.

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So it does look like McAllister crashing through a window in the promo. The stills look pretty clear on that. I don't beleive we can guess RJ by anything in the promo tho.

Of out 7 suspects it seems Partridge and Kirkland are the most dead, Bertram and Reed were already teased as RJ in ep 7 and for my money thus ruled out as the big reveal in ep 8. Everything in ep 7 screams Bertram is not RJ. This means that one of the "dead" guys from the explosion would be RJ.

If the promo is showing McAllister, does that make him RJ? Maybe. If McAlister is not dead, then could Hafner and/or Stiles be alive? Is McAllister in the promo helping Jane? Who knows. I don't liek the coming back from the dead stuff, but of all of the dead people, the explosion scene has the most unanswered questions (What was the gun shot?). Did McAllister or Hafner cut off their hand in a sick maniacal way and leave it for DNA proofing?

That's where I'm at right now....

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