Who is Red John?

Theories of mandak30 (1)

Red John is Dr. Steiner...I had thought it was him for a while, but wasn't sure until he asked Jane to witness his death. It has to be an older male, of average but not athletic size, who came to the C.B.I. after Jane did. It has to be someone higher than average intelligence with medical knowledge. It has to be someone close enough to Jane to keep track of him, but not close enough that Jane could accidentally pick up on who he really is. It has to be someone noone would ever suspect, and how could anyone suspect the man that Patrick Jane himself witnessed dying? In the episode that Dr. Steiner dies, he makes a point to tell Jane that he doesn't want to be on the autopsy table. Of course not, that would actually kill him. They never actually showed him taking pills to overdose, so noone knows what he actually took. So being a doctor he would know how to fake his own death. I could continue, but let's see the theory so far get broke down first....

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