Who is Red John?

Theories of laaane (4)

Watched the episode today again (in Poland i have to watch it by torrents, delays and shit). I watched ONLY scenes with McAllister.

I would say, I change my mind. You have to understand, that some things were done on purpose. We dont get the answers, because Patrick doesn't want them. He doesnt want Thomas to brag about those killings, how he was always step ahead. He wants for him to feel ashamed, he doesnt want him to feel approved and admired by Patrick. In the end, RJ done all this things, so Patrick was impressed. And PJ didnt gave him the satisfaction.
Maybe someday, Heller will answer our questions in an interview or shit. I dont care really. We finally know our RJ. And if you dont like it - stop watching, dammit.

Also the voice.. FUCK. With this music, when he sait "the game is over and i won" I felt the chill going down my spine. With McAllisters eyes.. Bright and creepy. There is something disturbing in the way he's looking at PJ. I think that if he played a little bit creepier person, it would be too much. Exaggerated. Dont you think?

I get that the chase scene and the pigeon thing was funny and illogical. I really truly get it. But hey, nobody's perfect.
I know some of you came with theories, that would be much better endings. I respect that, and to be true, I loved some of them so muchy, that if the site stays after RJs reveal long enough, Im gonna be coming back here to read some, just to remind myself, how hardcore and creative the fans of series can be.

Im taking off my hat, and bow deeply in front of you all. Thanks for such a great time, and remember, DONT BE DISSAPOINTED OR SAD. Because it was fun after all, wasnt it?

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Maybe it doesnt matter now, but fuck, look straight into McAllisters eyes. Creepy as hell.

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Okay.. so i watched it. And i can understand some things, thus some things i cannot.
So I'll start with things that you all complain about..
Firstly, sheriff wasnt my RJ of choice. I was betting on Haffner. My bad. You say he's 911 calling little sissy.. I think that this behaviour is normal for person like RJ. He's a maniac, egocentric, obsessed and little bit fucked up. Yeah, he's like that BUT ONLY when he thinks he's one step ahead of his nemesis.. Like in the chapel scene. He's a badass until Jane takes over the control. I can totally understand it - till that time he was sure that he won. That he will kill Patrick, no one will ever suspect that he is RJ. He thought that he's plan is perfect, and it seems that he planned it for a long time, accuring bomb planting plan time. He thoght that he's all plans have been working before - why not now? Self confidence was his weakest point.. And in the end - it lost him. So, thats why he panicked, he never ever was in this situation before, never was step ahead of Jane. Maybe he even was afraid of death like Voldemort or something. That's why all this runing, fast thinking reactions - who wouldnt have called 911 while being chased and afraid of losing life? Heller said, RJ is just a person. Just a man. All the things that he did was tricks to make us think he's some kind of god..

BUT. There are some things that im disappointed with.
*Why wouldn't Jane let him explain how the heck did he knew the list of 7 before him?
*Why the hell Lorelai and other chicks fall into this sheriff guy? He's not exactly a handsome or charming type..
*What about this sudden voice change? Its like he was speaking his own voice and suddenly only ONE sentence in RJ voice. I just dont get it.
*What about this pigeon phbia? Why even the pigeon. And where did Jane hid it before he threw it into sheriffs face? Maybe it wasnt even a phobia, he just got scared because it wasnt expeced..
*Why all the runing? Why the kill without answering all the questions? Why choking him to death just before he got shot in the ribs?
*What about the barn, Visualize and shit? Like it doesn't matter now?
*The Oscar who shoot Bertram suddenly knows RJ identity? They said no one knows it, so why did he listened to sheriff, being so sure he should listen to him? I don't get it too..

Well, I may not be dissapointed about RJs identity, Im just lacking a big closure. Like answers to all the questions. I dunno if its final version of the episode.  I guess they could've shot many versions of the last scene. From the chapel till the end. It wouldnt have cost much.. So lets hope there is something more.
Because, RJ was a con artist. And he deserved more for that 6 years than just less than 20 minutes of last episode of his existance. The Abbot guy got more attention than RJ in this episode. Its named "RED JOHN" not "Abbot guy lookin for a map" isnt it?

We shall see on Sunday. Cheers.

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I am certin of one thing only.
I think that the tatto that this girl who was supposed to bug Cho's office really refers to TT group, which DOES NOT work with Red John.
Look at this more closely - RJ is too smart to send some girl to bug CBI, if he had his team of TT there all along.
So this leads to a theory, which most of you discovered, but no on said id at loud.
I think one of TT member killed this girl, and she was trying to make a clue for police, so they can find her killer. She wasnt aware that her killer was one of the police officers, also a vizualise member.
This means that either Jane got tricked by his own mental issues with cathing Red John as soons as possible, or he knows all this things but plays with us and with RJ himself to mislead him.
If i would've guessed who is RJ now - i would say its Michael Kirkland.
Watch the scene when RJ rescued PJ - he asks him "Do you know who i am? do you recognise me?" Bob Kirkland asks same thing. Maybe he dont want to let in his mind the thought of his brother being RJ.. I dont know.
But still, Patrridge theories seems plausable, but also a little bit far-fetched. If RJ doesnt work with TT, it would be a problem for him to fake his death. Either way, if RJ faked his death multiple times before, he would gone off with this without anyone noticing.
I think its a little bit too confusing, but Heller knows what he's doing.

So summing:
*RJ doesnt work for TT
*TT hired this girl to bug Cho's office
*RJ is either Partridge or Michael Kirkland

What do you think?
(sorry about my bad english - im from Poland and its my first post here)
Hope you enjoy real answer for RJs identity!

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