Who is Red John?

Theories of jimdiffley (3)

Well, I was pretty disappointed......maybe my expectations were just too high going in.

Kudos to all who figured out who RJ was. Bravo!!

There are still too many unanswered questions even after this episode.....the physical description, the two bombs (what? Patrick brought them in? and knocked everyone out including himself? and killed a couple of people who were not RJ? what??  wait, what?!!?!), the list.... Guess I am even dumber than I thought!!.....

The whole FBI thing was beyond ludicrous. Shut the down CBI?  Accuse everyone of being a criminal because of Bertram?  Treat the proven and capable CBI team as if they were convicted and wanted criminals? None of it was even remotely believable.  But if one intent was to display Abbott (sp?) as the biggest you-know-what yet, that much was accomplished!

Well, let's see what's next and what more we find out.

All I can say at this point is, "Long live Cho!"  Glad he is remaining with the show.....

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Whoever Red John is, I look forward to this site continuing as a 'support group' to help each other answer unanswered questions (you know that will happen), defend the most intricate analysis of RJ should/shouldn't have been, and further speculation about the TT organizations.  In other words, we, too, will take on a life of our own!!

Now won't that be just grand?!?  I can hardly wait......

....meanwhile, let's hope the imminent "Red John" episode matches the high caliber of the series to date!!

(P.S.....I still do not think RJ is one of the seven on that list, and believe Mashburn is the villain)

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There are many good, interesting comments and theories here, and it's always stimulating to read others' observations.

I really do not know who RJ is, but based on the last episode (The Great Red Dragon), but I believe the following:

1) I still do not believe RJ is one of the seven on the list, for the simple but compelling reason (at least to me) that PJ would NOT have revealed his actual suspects to Lisbon and (by extension) the CBI team, since he had to know that telling one was effectively telling the whole team.  For one thing, he would not want them in danger, nor could he contain potential unintended leaks by any of them. However, we know all seven are "bad" in some way or another, so investigating them could prove fruitful even if none was RJ.
2) There have been so many twists and head fakes on the show that we are prone to doubt everything and be unsure of what's true or false.  Every recent death, for example, has been legitimately questioned, and we Kirkland has a twin, just for good measure!!
3) Bertram is NOT RJ, but his first lieutenant/first officer/prime deputy.  Though Jane only told the five suspects where and when to meet him, we have no idea if any of them told someone else.  And Bertram was always quick to make a call when he got key info re RJ.  
4) Who fired the shot in Jane's house, and who set off the bomb?  My opinion is that someone told RJ of the meeting, and he had a bomb placed into the house beforehand. Why was Bertram unharmed? (Everyone else is either dead--we assume, tsk tsk--or injured).  Bertram escapes unharmed.....why,  unless he knew where the bomb was and had been in touch with the 'bomber" (RJ).  Why would RJ plant a bomb?  To get rid of several problems at once, including PJ!!!
5)  I like Mashburn but he has so many characteristics we assume of RJ:  resourceful, very sharp, loves games, is bored, has high-level govt/law enforcement connections, and charismatic.  (Remember he is the only man we ever see Lisbon with in the series, which could help explain why she has been spared when she could have been killed.

Anyway, as they say, keep those cards and letters coming!! It will exciting to see the RJ finale, and we can only wonder how  the CBI and Blake Association story lines evolve post-RJ!!

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