Who is Red John?

Theories of iamme (1)

Season 1 will provide the big clue to the identity of Red John. Its hard to predict who he is, they seem to be rushing the series, why couldnt they have revealed major things over the course of the show rather than S6 E1-4 lol.
Not sure if reveal will be obvious like most shows or a work of genius, the show seems to fluctuate between the two. RJ choices for writers....
Easy choice; Partridge
Medium Choice: Stiles/CBI Ron/Mashburn
Hard Choice: Someone within the core cbi team/Ellis Mars/Ardiles
Is RJ able to hypnotise people that's how he kills victims who may be physically stronger than him?? Hope Jane batters him to a pulp, gets a few questions answered, sweet revenge! Jane will go on the run to an island after killing RJ. This is sadly the final season it was said a year ago in an interview. Jane will kill RJ, break Tyger Tyger, get with Lisbon before episode 22 END. Shame though but i don't see what they could focus on after the things i mentioned, btw Heller has moved onto Gotham a sign that his focus lies elsewhere.

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