Who is Red John?

Theories of haganeme (3)

Ok I havnt seen last nights episode yet, but i want to make a follow up thought on my previous theory.

i think that we have seen michael kirkland at least three times.

I believe that the kirkland we see at the end of red dawn was Michael Kirkland. 

the FBI agent says to him "the work is done" after Jane is accepted on at CBI. Did RJ use connections to get Jane involved at CBI from the very start so that he could play with him? This is a strange comment from Alexa.

the second time we see michael is the handshake with PJ.

the third time we see michael is when he kills jason lennon (not cooper). now this is important. he asks have you seen me before. lennon says no and a look of RELIEF is on kirklands face. Why? because he is red john and lennon is a loose end. 

how come lennon doesn't recognize him if he is red john? same reason accomplices kill themselves after being caught. Red john is either skilled in strong hypnosis or mind control or both.

red john is relieved his accomplice does not recognize him because it means that his identity is safe.

bob kirkland would not look relieved by lennon's answer because he is trying to find red john. therefore this person is not bob, its michael.

micheal kirkland people. michael kirkland

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Ok... I think i have it figured out and i want to get this theory out there before tonight's episode airs because the earlier u figure it out the better right?

ok so here goes.

The first time we MEET kirkland is in season 5 episode 5 "Red Dawn" . I think that this is a clue. dawn implies beginning and red john should have been there at the start. I know that the start should be the pilot but this episode precedes the pilot on the timeline and so it is a clever way of showing us red John at the dawn of PJ joining the CBI.

Plus this episode is special because it is the hundredth episode. A good time to introduce us to RJ.

By the way there is a guy in the pilot first scene with a tattoo, if anyone has access to the scene please let me know if his description could fit kirkland. I doubt we get a good look but i am interested.

Anyway i digress...

The second time we meet kirkland is in season 5 episode 7. He runs into Jane and they shake hands! Jane says do i know you and kirkland responds no but i know you. has jane seen him before??? 

The next episode with kirkland, lorelei says that red john is someone jane knows and that they have shaken hands.

Later on in the season we see kirkland kill jason cooper, a known RJ accomplice but first he asks him if he has seen kirkland before!!!

Finally in season 6 we see that bob kirkland has been tracking RJ because he has a brother who he believes is dead and that red john killed.

This scene is key for me and was the first time since i started watching the show that i felt like we were getting somewhere with red john.

I think that RJ is michael kirkland and here is why:

1. Fearful symmetry from tyger tyger poem is a clue that RJ is a twin

2. RJ is filled with anger because of his past. Micheal kirkland's past fits.

3. Michael kirkland's life is spiralling out of control when he meets a "savior". He is mentored by bret stiles and acquires the skilll set he uses as red john. He then disappears. And his brother wrongly believes that RJ killed him.

4. Rosalind says that RJ smells of pine and Michael kirkland lives near a pine forest.

5. we dont know whether we have seen micheal kirkland because every time we have seen kirkland we have always assumed it was bob.

6. Michael could have shaken hands with Jane. 

7. The list is too obvious. Anyone of the 5 still on the list will not be the big reveal the writer's are looking for.

8. It also has to be someone we have seen before but are not considering,

9. Bob is psychotic because of his childhood, michael will be even more so because he stayed in it longer.

10. His mother committed suicide to escape her abusive husband. Michael felt abandoned and hates women. RJ mainly kills women.

If red john is anyone on that list especially haffner, i will be very disappointed.

Michael kirkland people. Michael kirkland

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Harker Rosalind....she is able to I.D. because she is fond of him. PJ should gather the suspects and have her I.D. each of them that'll determine who if any of them may be RJ. Case closed.

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