1 ) B Heller before the issuance of Season 6 said that RJ is definitely someone from the list , and we find out who it is , but did not say in which episode.
2 ) Thomas MacAllister can be a pawn , just like a Timothy Carter .
3 ) I found information on the internet last episode of Season 6 has worn the title " RED JOHN ` S FOOTSTEPS " . I personally interpret it in such a way that the RJ again will mark its presence .
4) Heller said in one of the interviews, Patrick will face a difficult choice . So far, nothing happend like that.
5) Still a lot of open and unexplained threading , such as how RJ knew a list of seven suspects, the encoded file on a USB Bertram's stick , or the mysterious woman in the chapel in episode 6x08 , which to me clearly had to kill Patrick , or MacAllister and make it look like they killed one another .
6 ) The Mentalist had so far great twists and I doubt that producers , writers , etc made suicide , killing the main thread of the series in such a bad way.
In my opinion, MacAllister was a pawn, and the real RJ is Haffner. He belongs to a Visualize, so he could be on the farm. His mentor is Stiles and thats why Stiles know about the activities of RJ, such as Kiddnaping Kristina Frey. Lorelai said Patrick, RJ offer him a new life, money etc in exchange for his friendship. Bret Stiles has money, he could use them to Haffner has recruited Patrick. Probably that is the source Haffners he used to open bussiness.