Who is Red John?

Theories of doonz1246 (1)

OK here's my theory people
Remember how Jane said that Van Pelt had a dark past in one of the episodes? Ok and remember how in the last episode, Lisbon sends Van Pelt to recruit Bret Stiles because apparently he really likes her? So Van Pelt clearly has a connection with Bret Stiles and if Bret Stiles is Red John, Van Pelt could be his daughter and she could be helping him get information from the CBI. 
Bret Stiles could be Red John because well, a) he didn't have the tattoo, in my opinion this singles him out as a leader, someone who controls those who have the tattoo, he is also older than all of them b) in that scene, where he was wearing all white (in Visualize), and smearing blood on a woman while the others clapped - very Red John like, no? c) he is dying of cancer (or so he says) - this is very fishy in my opinion - it could either signal a very dramatic end between Jane and Red John or Bret is lying to make himself seem more innocent. d) He's the leader of Visualize and visualize has always been very strange for me, like it's this organization that no one really understands but still has a lot of power over people AND Stiles is the leader of it - he has power over the people.

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