Who is Red John?

Theories of dleon (8)

Hi Guys

I am again not here to accuse but rather to add new evidence I have not seen anyone mention here before. It is with regards to the first episode of season 6.

Bruno Heller mentioned that in the last sequence there is a big clue, and lots have mentioned the birds and the writing on the walls. The sequence begins with Teresa getting a call saying that someone is in distress and she sees that the address is the same as the one where Partridge is.

So I took a closer look at the little screen showing all the GPS trackers and I see the following:

K, S1, S2, B, P, M, and and H. So from this we can deduce the following:
K = Kirkland
S1 and S2 = Smith and Stiles
B = Bertram
M = McAllister
P = Partridge 
H = Haffner

Also we can safely say that Red John is DEFINITELY in that house because he calls Patrick Jane and we hear the 'Red John Voice'.

Now, I looked at the locations of all the other GPS trackers. I know this does not really mean much as Red John would probably be smart enough not to take his phone with him. But this should actually still give us some sort of clue as to where the suspects are supposed to be while the events are taking place. 

Haffner, McAllister and either Smith or Stiles shows on the tracker as "IN TRANSIT" so they are on the move while Red John is in the house. I can't really see Red John giving his phone to someone to drive around with so lets assume that these guys are out. I'm not sure which 'S' this is, but the screen says S2 in transit so I'll assume it's alphabetic and say it's Stiles.

The location where Partridge is and where the call directs Lisbon is 5570 West Huron, Sacramento CA. So here is a list of where the other 3 suspects are:
B - Bertram, 725 Delta Street Sacramento CA, 13 minutes from the scene.
S1 - Smith (?), 862 Laurel Street, San Francisco CA, 1 hour 37 minutes from the scene.
K - Kirkland, 352 Grant Rd, Los Angeles CA. 5 Hours 39 minutes from the scene.

All the above I did through google maps.

Kirkland is both too far and too dead to be involved here.

Now if we go further and compare how far all of the suspects that are "IN TRANSIT" are from the scene, we see H (Haffner) and S2 (Stiles/Smith) are closer than S1, meaning they are less than an hour from the scene by comparison. Also, we see that McAllister is almost equally as far away as S1. 

But as I said, why would RJ's phone be moving while he is in a house committing a murder? 

This leaves us with Bertram, Partridge and either Smith, or Stiles being closest to the scene.

As I said you guys can use this info if you want, I'm not accusing anyone. Just providing some new intel.

Thank you for reading.

Please email me if you wish to discuss The Mentalist (Jacques.Nel1@hotmail.com)

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I'm NOT ACCUSING Wayne Rigsby

I'm actually here to poke a hole in the theories that he is by some miracle Red John.

Yes, lists and lists of clues are lobbed at him. How can he be Red John if at the end of season 4, Patrick is speaking to Red John on the phone in the limo, and we see Rigsby and Cho together in the CBI SUV? 

Please don't say Patrick is speaking to an accomplice because then we can play the accomplice game all day long with every single clue. And it's not a recording, this guy responds to everything Jane says.

Then we have the scene where the whole CBI team stands at the PC and chats to Red John over the internet. Rigsby is right there. 

Also, I respect the theory that Red John may be working against the 'Tyger Tyger' organization, but I wouldn't go as far as to say they killed Jane's family and now RJ and PJ are going to miraculously work together. RJ ordered Lorellei to cut off Jane's finger. Great teamwork.

Red John is most probably part of Tyger Tyger. Otherwise how would he be able to arrange such convenient cover ups? Bodies disappeared, a women got poisoned in the CBI office, Todd Johnson was burned in the cell at the office etc.  He must be part of it because we hear that Tyger Tyger do cover ups for each other.

This also makes me think that Red John MUST be law enforcement.  I can't see anyone covering up for random outsiders. The only exception to this is if it were someone like Bret Stiles who easily manipulates others.

Sorry for my ramblings.

Thanks for your time.

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Hi everyone

I posted a crazy little theory yesterday that, to my surprise, got a lot of positive feedback and support.  But I was not very clear on some points so I want to clarify some of the parts of this theory. I honestly do not believe that this will actually be the case. But this is just for fun so please don't judge or hate. Just enjoy and comment please.

Let's have a look at a little timeline in the show (at least what we know of):
Early 1980's -> Patrick Jane and Alex Jane are working together in the carnival as 'con artists'. 
Mid 1980's -> Patrick Jane has a falling out with his father and runs off with his wife.
1988 -> The first Red John killings take place on a farm from which we learn Visualize operates.

Now Red John vanishes for 10 years.

1998 -> Red John starts killing again, up until present Red John kills many including Patrick Jane's family.

Now what puzzled me is where was Red John for that 10 year gap? In the show they place emphasis on this fact. So I devised this next theory; see the timeline below:
Early 1980's -> Patrick Jane and Alex Jane work together as con artists in the carnival.
Mid 1980's -> Patrick and his father has a falling out. He runs of with his wife and his father becomes enraged over this.
Late 1980's -> Alex Jane starts Visualize and the first killings take place on the farm from which the organization conducts itself.  Alex is afraid of impending prosecution so he changes his appearance completely and gets a new identity. He becomes BRETT STILES.

Over the next 10 years he builds Visualize and becomes wealthy, influencial and powerful.

1998 -> Red John killings start again, Red John mastermind is Brett Stiles (Alex Jane). He hears of Patrick Jane and his way of exploiting people for financial gain and this makes him angry because that was why Patrick ran away, he did not want to do that. So he murders Patrick's family and decides to show him he's better at mindgames than Patrick.

I know this is crazy, but as a previous user commented, it fits all the clues:
1) Brett Stiles says: "I know Red John better than you will ever know him". Who knows you better than you know yourself?
2) The idea of plastic surgery was not excluded by Bruno Heller because the man in the end of season 3 who says he is Red John says: "I will get a new identity, a new face and make a new life for myself" (Please note I am not saying this man is Alex Jane or Brett Stiles)
3) Lorelei says "I can't believe you did not become best friends the moment you shook hands". If I knew that someone was Patrick's father, and I heard they met each other I also would not believe that Patrick had not recognized this man or become friends with him considering they worked together way back when.
4) If this theory were true, the Tyger Tyger reference could also tie in. Because the same one who 'created' Patrick Jane, also 'created' Brett Stiles.
5) Visualize gives 'hope' to people who are in need for financial gain. Is this not exactly what Alex Jane did? He tried selling that crystal to the sick girl, and his words were "We are selling her hope"
6) Alex may already have known about Patrick's 'happy memory'.
7) Brett Stiles told Patrick he knew his father, but we also know Brett knows Red John.
8) Visualize covered up the possibility of Red John having been a member of Visualize.
9) The timelines fit in well, because we never see what happens to Alex, and it is mentioned that he also left the carnival...to go where?

I know this is far-fetched but as I said I was having fun with this one. Thank you for enjoying the show with me and also having fun with this website. 

Please comment below as I would like to discuss this with you. 


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I have an extremely crazy idea, which could potentially if it were true, be a massive bomb the writers drops on viewers. Just hear me out. It's not an accusation as much as a "What if...".

I've been very outspoken in my theory that Red John will turn out to be Alex Jane, Patrick's father. Let's look at the timeline...

1980's - Patrick and Alex work together conning people and making decent money.
mid 80's (perhaps 85 or 86 - Patrick runs of with his wife and his father becomes enraged. 
1988 - First Red John Killings, but Red John becomes inactive for 10 years.
1998 until present - Red John kills again (including Patrick Jane's wife and daughter.

A few things before I continue. 
1. We never hear what happens to Patrick's father.
2. In 'Red John's Rules' the family friend tells Patrick Jane that his father was manipulative and exploited people's personal struggles to make money.
3. In "Strawberries and Cream", the man posing as Red John says "I will get a new name, a new face, and make a new life for myself"

So here is my CRAZY idea:
Early 1980's -> Patrick Jane works with his father as con artists in the carnival.
Mid 1980's -> Patrick Jane runs off with his wife and his father becomes enraged over this.
Late 1980's -> Alex Jane creates a small cult following. They from the farm on which the first Red John killings happen. Here Alex kills the first victims. 
After 1988 -> It is mentioned that Red John stops killing after the 1988 killings so. Alex Jane is responsible for the 1988 killings. Over the next 10 years, Alex Jane changes his appearance and his identity completely and becomes ... BRETT STILES. His group 'Visualize' grows and he continues to feed financially off of others' emotional needs. He becomes rich and powerful and has influence in all law enforcement agencies.
1998 until present -> Alex Jane (Now Bret Stiles) avenges his son's running off by murdering his wife and daughter and placing Patrick Jane in a cat and mouse game with himself.

Seriously, this explains absolutely everything. 
1. The handshake : Of course someone would believe that if a man met his father, although it's not his father anymore, he would recognize this man. Alex told Lorelei that he and Patrick worked together, and thus she can't believe Patrick did not recognize Brett Stiles or befriend him.
2. The comment about Alex making money off of others' emotional shortcomings falls in place because visualize does the exact same thing.
3. Brett Stiles says with confidence to Patrick Jane "I KNOW RED JOHN BETTER THAN YOU EVER WILL", and he says he knows Patrick's father. 
4. The Tyger falls into place as well, "Thy fearful symmetry" and the imagery of one man who created both Patrick Jane and HIMSELF, Brett Styles.
5. Patrick's father would have known about Patrick's happy memory from the carnival.
6. Even though Brett Stiles may not seem like he could do this himself, as the episode "Strawberries and Cream" indicates, Red John has many people working for him. Any one of them could be involved in any murder so far.

I know this sounds crazy and Bruno Heller most probably wouldn't pull a 'plastic surgery card' on us, but as I said, WHAT IF it were the case...?

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I'm going to take one more stab at this after researching for a while. Please leave comments and vote based on whether you think this is plausible or unlikely.

I am accusing Alex Jane as being Red John. I will keep this short and to the point. Here are my reasons (both in the story and from the cast and crew's point of view):
1. Red John is much like Patrick and it is possible that he could be Patrick's former teacher i.e. his father Alex Jane.
2. The episode in which Alex appears, 'Throwing Fire' was partially written by Bruno Heller himself. Bruno usually works on all episodes regarding Red John himself.
3. Alex Jane could have known about Patrick Jane's 'happy memory'.
4. Alex has motive, when Patrick Jane ran off with his wife from the carnival, it is said that his father was enraged. He could have taken revenge on Patrick by killing his wife and daughter.
5. Bret Stiles says he knew Patrick's father, it has been established that Red John was in Visualize long ago. This certainly fits the time frame, as the first Red John murders took place in 1988 and Patrick and his wife left the carnival in 1985. Thus, his father could have been there in 1988.
6. Alex Jane is portrayed as a master manipulator. This could stand as reason that he could gain influence over people in the FBI and CBI. 
7. Alex wears a wedding band even though we never hear of Patrick Jane's mother. Red John, as previously seen, wears one as well even though it seems he could be unmarried. He wore it while having a 'relationship' with Rosalind at least.
8. In the episode 'Red John's Rules', Alex Jane is brought up again as a topic of conversation, Sean Barlow mentions that Alex is a wicked man that exploits others. Red John is obviously a wicked man as well.
9. It is mentioned on many occasions that Patrick and Red John know each other extremely well. How much better can two men know each other than a father and a son.

As far as I am concerned, the only possible flaw in the story would be the handshake comment. Why would Patrick only become friends with his father when they 'shake hands'? That does not make much sense.

However, I feel that Patrick's father fits the clues and I like him for being Red John. I do not believe he works alone, but he is in my opinion Red John.

Please comment. I would like to know if I am missing something that would exclude Alex definitely. But please do not dismiss this without evidence.

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I watched the 3rd episode yesterday and I knew when I come here everyone will be accusing sheriff McAllister. I don't think it's McAllister. Next week there is going to be a Kirkland episode and then everyone will be accusing Kirkland.

I still have my suspect. Sticking to it.

Sheriff McAllister, although acting suspicious and having his 'fear of heights' does not seem like a likely suspect if you think beyond the possibility of having him revealed as Red John. It would be quite disappointing to say the least.

I have tried wrapping my mind around the meeting between him, Bertram and Reede and the only thing I can think of as an explanation is that they were having a meeting about the Red John situation. When they say that it's Bertram's job to know what Patrick knows I think they just mean that Bertram is ultimately responsible for Patrick's doings in the CBI. 

I want to go through Patrick's list again and use hints given by Bruno Heller in interviews as well. Please note that I personally do not believe everything that he says as he can't reveal the real Red John at the risk of losing ratings. So going down the list of 7:

1. Brett Partridge - Bruno Heller said he is dead. (He CAN'T say Brett is alive as this will automatically scream suspicion). Why was Brett Partridge still alive when Lisbon got to the house? We never see his body, and never hear of his murder being investigated.

Brett has always been suspicious. At first it was said that he was too young to have been in visualize way back in 1988, but the actor is actually old enough to have been able to kill in 1988. He fits the profile (the way Red John was described). He is a wild card, he is not my main suspect but I won't be surprised if he turns out to be Red John. 

In the first few seasons, Brett Partridge would also show up at all the fake Red John murders, almost like he is sizing up the 'competition'. Then there are the, what I like to call 'coincidences' such as William Blake's painting "brace of Partridge". Also, Brett whispers Tyger Tyger when he "dies".

There are a lot of unanswered questions pertaining to him. His voice could be pulled off as belonging to Red John. 

2. Gale Bertram - Bruno has never spoken about him, but in the writing of the series we have seen many subtle eerie signs of him being linked to Red John perhaps.  

He certainly has influence and 'friends' in the FBI. He has access to all parts of the CBI building. Now for something everyone has possibly forgotten about, Gale Bertram is the ONLY suspect on the list of 7, that was also on La Roche's list of 4 in season 3! This places HUGE suspicion on him IMO. 

He is old enough to be Red John, his profile and voice does not match that of what we know about Red John, but that can be explained away easily.  He has recited William Blake poetry out of the blue. He acts suspicious when told that Partridge was murdered. 

This man seems to be somehow involved. When Patrick Jane met with him at the end of season 3, it also seemed like he was in fact uncomfortable and he was acting suspicious. However, why was it necessary for Patrick Jane to give Bertram advice on how to play poker? Was this a smoke screen, or does Bertram really not have what it takes to be Red John? 

3. Reede Smith - Reede has not been focused on much over the last few episodes or in fact ever. If he turned out to be Red John, it would really be a case of "random selection" as there is at present no possible back story for him being Red John. His build does not match the description, he has not been in the series much nor from the beginning, and that brings me back to Bruno Heller saying "Red John has been there from the start".  Reede is an unlikely candidate.

4. Bob Kirkland - From the list he fits the clues and profile. He has been there from the beginning (we see him shake hands with Patrick Jane in the 'prequel' episode), he acts strangely as he has stolen information from Patrick's office and murdered the man in the hospital. He is of average build with short straight hair. 

He seems as though he loathes Patrick. He is old enough to have been in Visualize. But his demeanor suggests that his vendetta is not with Patrick Jane, but rather with Red John, which means he himself is not Red John.

He seems to be looking for Red John himself. I would exclude him from actually being Red John. 

5. Sheriff McAllister - Certainly old enough to be Red John. We meet him in the first season so he has been there from the beginning. His voice and build do not strictly match that of what we know about Red John, but as previously said this is easy to explain away. He knows Gale Bertram and Reede Smith personally so he has powerful friends. He has a clear fear of high places as it was reported Red John has.

But again, he seems very random. Would be disappointing to have him be Red John. Would however not be surprising to see him being involved.  

6. Ray Haffner - This guy is so random to me, I really don't expect him to be Red John.  He fits the description of Red John, he is in Visualize, he seems to be creepy and have a mean streak. His voice does not match but that does not mean much. He is a good whistler, this is apparently important. He has however not been in the mentalist from the start. He is a recent character. I believe that there was an idea of who Red John would be from the start, and he does not seem likely. I can't effectively exclude him just because it would disappoint, but if I think logically and look at the fact that the 'show must go on', I can't see prolonged interest in the show being maintained if he was Red John.

7. Bret Stiles - Yes he has acted very strange, yes Visualize obviously has some part in Red John's life and yes Bret has more than enough power to be Red John. But he is quite the old man, and just about always has an entourage with him. He is a public figure. His voice and build does not match Red John's, to the point where it is noteworthy.

Bret knew Red John or still does. This is actually quite obvious to me. He has definite manipulative skills. He basically put Van Pelt in a trance.

I don't have too many good points against Stiles apart from the fact that they say Red John WAS IN Visualize. Bret Stiles created Visualize. I think we should concentrate on things Bret Stiles reveals like the fact that he knew Patrick's father. And his organization destroying evidence of Red John's membership.

He is very obviously tied to Red John.

That is my roundup. I don's necessarily believe someone on the list IS Red John. I have another suspect in mind. A big clue in my opinion rests with the fact that Red John killed in 1988 and then it is reported that he stopped and became active 10 years later for the first time again. 

There must be something to explain that.  

Please let me know what your thoughts are in the comments.  

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Theory #5446 • By dleon
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Hi everyone

I submitted a theory yesterday that my suspect is still Patrick's father. 

I read a lot of theories where people accuse various guys because they fit the profile. When taking into consideration who you believe Red John is, always remember to also look at this from a writing point of view.  Bruno Hellar said that the rest of the season and the next will be about the chase. That means Red John will be revealed, but he will now be on the run from Jane and the CBI.

When you look at it that way, it already kind of excludes Bertram to me. Having the chief of the CBI on the run all of a sudden will not be a very believable story. 

In my opinion, from a writing point of view, it will be hard to tie certain suspects to Patrick Jane's past if they are revealed to be Red John. Like Haffner, Reede, McAllister. What would their connection to Jane be? 

We need to think who will be in the reveal shot painting those faces on the wall or gutting the victims or standing in the shadows looking down at Patrick or Lisbon. It will need to make us say "Oh yeah I remember now!" and if that was someone like McAllister it would just be very weak and disappointing and people would lose interest in the show.

Red John will be someone that draws us into the show until it's end. Not some random character that showed up in the fourth, fifth or sixth season. He was there from the start.

From the 7 suspects, this leaves Partridge, Stiles and long shot (at least for me) Bertram. Yes, I include Partridge, just like Jane included that dead doctor in his list once. I believe that may have been a clue not to dismiss those you think may be dead. 

Off the list, I still think a reveal that Patrick's father is Red John would be epic. From a story point of view, they could argue that Partridge (or one of the other suspects) was his prodigy after Jane. They could revisit the time he spent in Visualize and show him going after Brett Stiles. He could even have a past with Bertram. Maybe also the guy that Jane shot in season 3 thinking it was Red John.

We need to think past the road the writers are leading us down, and look at the mystery from a continuity point of view. Viewers' interest in the show must be maintained after the mystery is solved.

P.S. Did anyone else hear that one of Patrick's doctors once off patients was Washburn/Mashburn? Listen to the phone call with Rigsby again, I couldn't make out if it's an M or W.

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