Who is Red John?

Theories of danielderonda (2)

ahhh... bugger.

Well, it's over now, nothing more to be said, but really? Not only is Red John literally the opposite of anything I, or apparently Patrick Jane, had expected, but Jane also killis him?

This'll sound a bit cliched, but here's MY perfect ending:

Jane is genuinely hopeless, he's lost, there's nothing more he can do, other than to hope that one day he will know the identity of Red John. He's in the wreckage of his old house, sitting in the room where it all began, thinking about the past, the present and the future... then suddenly, that eerie voice, the one he hadn't dreamt of ever hearing again comes from behind: "Hello Patrick." He whirls around to see a man, his age, handsome but arrogant looking (the son of Brett Stiles did someone mention?), smiling amusedly at him, "It's been a long time coming my friend." Jane stands staring at him for a moment, transfixed; he knows who this is. Then a length dialogue, something quite akin to Strawberries and Cream's Red John scene. This man is likeable, yet detectably callous, insensitive, often referencing the loss Jane experienced at his hands.

The one thing which I'd keep from Heller's ending is the line, "It's over, I've won."

Then Red John gives Jane the final ultimatum; make peace, or die. Jane (obviously) chooses death. 

With a sigh of sadness, not frustration, RJ pulls out a gun, "Have it your way..." But Jane is ready for him grabbing his own gun from his pocket, shooting RJ in the leg.

Laughing hysterically, RJ says, "It was always going to be you or me, wasn't it?"


Jane stares into his eyes, holding his gaze for a long moment, before slowly lowering his gun.

"What, after all this pain, suffering, you're too weak to kill a man?"

The answer is slow, measured, "No... I have no weakness like that... But the game is over, it's over because I say it is..."

He turns, and walks down the hall, the camera staying focussed on the kneeling RJ, capturing the look of shock and anger on his face. He turns his gun on the retreating figure of Jane, but can't seem to find the will to pull the trigger. Slowly, furiously, he turns the gun upon himself, staring into the barrel. 

A gunshot is heard as Jane leaves the front door, and a small smile can be seen on his worn face.

Ahhh Bruno, Jane didn't care about whether he was cleverer than Red John or not, he only wanted to see his face and beat him, truly beat him, something which merely killing him would never accomplish... oh well, back to Sherlock...

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If Stiles is really dead, I can't see Red John being one of any of the other seven suspects; Heller compared, regularly, Jane to Sherlock Holmes and Red John to Moriarty. 
Both Bertram and Smith are in on it, that much is obvious, but Red John? Heller's representation of the ultimate good is Patrick Jane, in that the death of his family caused him to see the world with abnormal clarity; Red John is not, as many suppose, Jane's polar opposite, but rather someone just as clever and charismatic, just driven (possibly even by similar motives) to a different end, that of evil.
Red John would not hide this charisma and intelligence as Heller would have us believe Bertram or Smith do. He would glorify in it, rather like Bret Stiles, and would take pleasure from mental jousting with Jane. However, Stiles is dead, and even if he weren't, I'm not so sure that he is Red John. Someone linked to Visualize, but who has a similar history as Jane in the Carny industry would be the ultimate Red John in my opinion. Red John is still pulling the strings, somewhere, watching Jane and laughing at him.  
But all will be revealed in episode eight, I suppose... just please do your brilliant story justice Heller, and make RJ the Moriarty we've all been hoping for.

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