Who is Red John?

Theories of cmc23 (8)

Anyone else feel bad fro Haffner? He died because he had a crush on lisbon...

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Listen, I know Bruno Heller has tricked the audience before but this isnt a trick! When Timothy Carter died, Bruno Heller said we would just have to wait and see if its the real Red  John or not. He's not saying that this time. Plus, there's no way the actors would reveal little things like fact that Simon was doing Red John's voice for years..if Red John wasn't really dead.  He's dead! Plain and simple. 

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There are people who still believe Red John is alive? Seriously? He's dead, please accept it and move on!!  You're never going to get the answers you want and I know that sucks but quit going on about him being alive!! 
The Red John storyline is over. 

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Gotta say, I was happily surprised with Libson in the episode. Didn't expect her to help Jane so much because she's all about the law.   I liked that she he

I'm jus wondering how Jane's going to get out of this and not go to jail.

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Theory #13709 • By cmc23
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I've rewatched the episode a couple times and its growing on me. I'm kind of liking the fact that RJ weeped like a bitch especially because in hindsight, he is just a person.

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I've rewatched the episode a couple times and its growing on me. I'm kind of liking the fact that RJ weeped like a bitch.

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Just want to make something clear! The episode wasn't leaked! A website was hacked and people got the link from the source code page. There's a difference. But what I think is interesting is the fact that CBS hasn't removed it ??? 

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