Who is Red John?

Theories of bobbyp1819 (1)

If you watch the "Red John's Footsteps," notice how to tea cup that Jane, Harker, and Lisbon are drinking out of is the exact same tea cup that is shown in the scene where RJ has apparently fled the house where Jane is being held at gun point.

Now, it could be that RJ stole the tea cup from Harker's house, but what if it's a subtle clue from the writers the RJ is, in fact, Harker. If RJ is a man, that's an awfully feminine cup for him to be using. But hey, to each his or her own;)

We are never told where Harker is during the showdown at the country house with Sheriff Hardy. She could have easily been there waiting for Jane. And it would be brilliant of RJ--as Harker--to throw everybody totally off the traill by describing RJ as a male with all the other characteristics she listed, when it is really her all along.

And, being a blind person--with all her other senses heightened like touch and feel--how wouldn't she have been able to smell the scent of fresh paint above her bed after RJ painted the trademark smiley face? It isn't blood above the bed--no killings had taken place at her home at this point (and the post-killing smiley faces are larger and dripping down the wall). It's rather odd, however, how Jane doesn't mention it to Harker. Another thing to point out above the smiley face is that, if Harker is really RJ, they both have smiley faces above their beds--well, at least Jane did while he still lived at his house where his family was murdered.

I personally think it would be awesome if it was Harker, with Jane sitting listening to her playing piano in the episode, seated right next to the person he always searching for. Perhaps I am wrong, but something about the tea cup seems a little off to me. It's a nice subtle hint, I think. But perhaps I'm making something out of nothing. It's the exact same type of tea cup, though. It's odd that Jane doesn't pick up on this because he notices everything.

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