Who is Red John?

Theories of b0rdenn (4)

If I could forget what happened in the 8th episode, Blue Heaven would actually be really fun and nice episode, but even tho I can't, I still really enjoyed yesteray's episode..imagine my surprise, hehe
Thought this would be my last episode, but I guess not :P Gotta move on, guys, I'm sure the rest of the season is going to be great and even tho I hope for some cheeky surprise on the RJ chapter, I realise it is highly unlikely, but I will still gladly watch the rest of the show! Love ya guys, really enjoyed and still enjoy reading discussions on my favorite TV show!

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Theory #14926 • By b0rdenn
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So now, after being really depressed for a few hours, I tried to watch the episode again and I have to say that I actually like the idea of RJ showed like a wuss, I Iike the 911 call, showing how hopeless and pathetic he is, and then PJ made him regret killing his family and seeing the fear in his eyes when he is seconds away from the death. I wanted so many things to be explained, but if you think about this from PJ's POV, he finally has the killer of his family, he doesn't care about any of that, any of the tricks RJ pulled, he just wants it all to end

I think there will not be another episode, cuz the idea of the writers was how PJ kills RJ and the story moves on, therefore the feel of rushing and very little things explained, but that makes all the clues given in the past episodes pointless. I still have my hopes up  tho

And to finish, imo from PJ's pov this actually makes sense but from another gven what the whole show is about it really doesn't, big disappointment

Oh, and also I think the disappointment comes from the really big hopes for an epic ending to the Red John chapter, and the fact that he is a normal person like everyone else after all and not a God that doesn't make any mistakes...showed how he dies miserable, lonely man, begging for mercy, fearing death like every human being does. I do feel tho, that the episode is really badly written, I guess I kinda like some of the concepts, but the overall writing and directing sucks big time imo

Let me know what you guys think! Hope to see ya round :P
Here the song from the promo btw, I really liked it

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I guess it's just not updated, but in imdb it says ep7 and ep8 will air on 17 November. How cool would it be if we get to watch the 2 episodes everyone's been waiting for in one night :P C'mon CBS! 

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I have some theories which im gonna touch on Iater today, now I wanna taIk about the big RJ reveaI, Think of season 3 ending, it was great, right? It was great even tho we hadn't seen the guy pIaying "RJ" before.I expected PJ to change his mind in the Iast second and not shoot him, but he didn't, but in the end that wasn't RJ either, and I think that's one of the reasons the finaIe was so good! But I dont think the same thing can happen againAs to who I think RJ is, weII as most of you do, I think it's Brett Partridge, but I think he is dead, kiIIed by StiIes(his father), and the big "confrontation" wiII be between Simon Baker and MaIcoIm, the 2 actors that I think stand out when it comes to acting
I guess most of you won't agree with me, but since I started watching the show, I aImost never wanted RJ to get caught, he has aIways been this charismatic, good guy(kinda, I mean even tho he is a serial kiIIer, he is likable), easy to emphatise with, at Ieast for me, so RJ getting caught or dying to PJ won't be the finaIe of the RJ chapter I expected, thats why I think the idea of him dying to the hands of his own father is great! PJ journey comes to an end with RJ being dead and at the same he doesn't go to jail. And what I like abut the show is that unlike most other shows where a storyline with 1 villain contiues for a season or 2, here I think RJ is part of the show, and him getting caught or shot dead isn't an option. He has become way too charming for the people watching the show...or just me :D
I'll be glad to hear what you think on that theory

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