Who is Red John?

Theories of Vorsar (2)

At first I was pretty dissappointed, but after rewatching it and thinking about it, I believe it was a good ending. I am sure the loose ends will be tied up in future episodes.

The patheticness of Red John as he died at the hands of Jane is a beautiful example of how sad some "evil" people are. Egotistical, and wimpy when confronted while they aren't in control.

If this really isn't the end, I'll be surprised.

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I'm thinking that, as abstract as it sounds, the birds or pidgeons are a clue. Infact, I think they are the big "clue" at the end of episode 1, which Heller said wouldn't make sense in context. I say this after episode 2 because we got another shot of pidgeons/birds for no real reason that I could find...Lisbon and Jane are sitting on the bench, and Jane looks at the birds the lady is feeding. It's just strange...

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