Who is Red John?

Theories of Vanilla (3)

Am I the only crazy one who has ever fantasized about Jane's wife, Angela, being alive and somehow involved with Red John? lol  

Obviously this is purely fantasy, but sometimes I like to think about alternative options. Everything is better than a scared old man begging for his life and terrified of pigeons. 

I think it would have been cool if there was something shady about the wife. :D

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I'm re-watching the show from season 2! (I've seen season 1 too many times..) 
I'm nostalgic, happy and sad at the same time! This show used to be the best of the best!

Normally I remember in each episode who the killer is but there are a couple of episodes where I forgot! It's so much fun to watch Patrick Jane when he is at his best, the screen comes alive when he is smiling and tricking people!

Ohhh, the good old days, I miss them so much!!
Amazing show at the beginning and it represents a time in our life when we had so much hope and everything was possible! Red John could have been anyone!!!

 I don't know what to say about season 6 but I'm happy I got to experience the first 5 seasons and be a part of the excitement! :) 

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I think there are 2 main types of fans.

1. Those who loved the serial killer storyline and although enjoyed the murder solving in each episode, their main interest was the background story. The suspense, the excitement that the person who killed PJ's family could be someone we know and like, when will he kill again, etc..

2. Those who never  cared that much about the RJ storyline and are just happy with the every day murder cases.

I think most people who come to this website are in group 1. 

I really don't know what to feel now that Bruno Heller f**ked us over. Are we supposed to settle and be forced into group 2? After 5 and a half years suddenly should we just accept that all there is in the future is lukewarm vanilla, no big mystery? 
It's a shock to the system..It's really like a brand new show now. I'm still hanging in there because of PJ, Lisbon and Cho but I don't know for how long..

PS; I'm not sure I want to see that bitch new woman on a weekly basis..

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