Who is Red John?

Theories of Topher77 (27)

After years here off and on and then a lot of time lately I've come to the sad conclusion............

THE LIST DOESN'T EXCITE ME. I don't find one person on the list that is dynamic, sneaky, sly...anything that I imagine RJ to be. This leads me to think I'll be disappointed. I'd rather have Rigsby or Van Pelt be RJ in a massive twist than any one of the 7.

I just think RJ is a lot smarter than the guys on the list. Someone who is there but isn't. An apparition. The person who can blend in while at the same time lead. When I see that weird person feeding pigeons I don't think.."that is Partridge in disguise." I think "maybe RJ is someone like that who is just out in the open, under their nose, hearing their conversations." He is always one step ahead. The people on that list seem almost like dumbed down minion than RJ.

Just talking.

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OK, can we have a group discussion here. Mostly about Partridge and his death and mostly about the last scene of 6-1 and the first scene of 6-2....and the last scene of 6-2

So here is the last scene of 6-1


Lisbon encounters birds...pigeons it seemed by the way they sounded...this has to connect. We see Partridge fall out of a closet. So he was bound and standing. He says Tyger/Tyger. Lisbon steps away about 5 feet, hears water dripping. She is facing Brett on the floor but then stares at that sink. Not sure if that is the clue but it's mysterious. She is then...I've watched it 50 times...snatched dead from behind. Now, being a rational thinker who likes to see all sides I can see how a Partridge Fan might think that once she turns to the sink, that gives him time to grab her. But I don't see how in that 3 seconds he gets on his feet, makes up 5-8 feet and grabs her. My theory is he is dead and that RJ was either in that closet too or in another part of the room. I can see how this leaves open Partridge for some...the way she was faced but then we get to.....

Episode 2, Scene 1


Guy says they have one male DOA, Partridge. So he is dead right? The reaction of Bertram leads me to believe that not only is Bertram not RJ but that his pause meant Partridge may have been a Tyger/Tyger associate on the fringe. BUT I just don't think you have all of these people show up at the scene and you take away a body and no one realizes he isn't dead. I know that RJ has people within all agencies helping but this would seem to involve way too many agencies and people to make it work. I also can understand how BP Fans would say that it was a ruse by the ME's office and others involved in the whole conspiracy.

I guess it just looks to me like he is dead but I can see how some would link all the other clues as to why he isn't. I would also find it strange that Jane wouldn't look for clues on the body of one of his suspects. In the next Scene in the hospital he tells Lisbon Partridge is dead...almost like he saw for himself.

Then to end show


They are sitting on a bench and Jane is transfixed by the guy feeding pigeons(a creepy person that looks like they are wearing a wig)...they are making the same noises. That has to connect above...not sure how though.

The more I review all of this the more I'm convinced they could spin RJ any way they want. I keep talking about pigeons, the is it acrophodia/agraphobia, the taser, is Partridge alive....overall they have set it up where almost all suspects have something in their drawer for you to dig through. Thomas being a name in the poem. It all seems like red herrings and I don't know where to go.

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What is the meaning of the exclamation points over Lisbon's eyes, vs. lines like RJ normally draws? Are they taunts like "checkmate!" Is that a sign that she is left alive vs. the lines that look like dead/closed eyes? Just wondering what clue we could get from that. Maybe they are showing that the eyes are important...Visualize's symbol is the eye and the exclamation points could be pointing those out. No clue.

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I chose not Brett Partridge and can't believe how many lame fan boys are out there for the guy. I'll let you go get your life back now,,,,its not him.

The actor says he is dead



Heller says he is dead and that there "is a good reason why RJ killed him that will be revealed later."


Video has Lisbon and Jane actors saying Partridge dead


Also, imbd will list all people who are in flashbacks, etc. The last episode for RJ wil be a detailed explanation over the years. So stop with the RJ be cause people are listed. Anyone can adjust that stuff.

Its one of the people he confronted

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Watch the Video at the bottom of this article. Behind the scenes with the actors. Robin Tunney says that she knows people were surprised that Partridge got killed the first show but that it makes it exciting. Baker says it keeps people on their toes. I've seen nothing where anyone even acts like Partridge may be alive. Sorry, not going to happen


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This isn't a guess as much as an observation. If you asked me one thing that stood out about last nights show, the only thing that I can state unequivocally was that McCallister had a weird, sh#$ eating grin as he walked by the camera and to the other side of the room. It was notable because his back was to PJ and he was passing while looking almost at the camera. It was a big smirk. Now that could mean he is incredulous that PJ doesn't get who he and the other two are...Tyger/Tyger....or he finds the whole charade funny as RJ, knowing that 3 of them have the tattoo. After all, PJ stated again last night a couple of times that RJ is always one step ahead. Wouldn't it be typical RJ to have his followers get the tatoos, knowing PJ would find out this info? Again, who knows if he is RJ. The grin though stood out big time last night.

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I'm changing my answer after last night and after reading an interview with one of the writers. WARNING, me quoting the article may contain SPOILERS. Here is the link..newer article compared to other TV Guide article.So with the quotes below and what we heard from the other article...Jane stands over him and kills him in the park. RJ came out in the open for this too. Stiles is a dying man. He has nothing to lose...thus why he would come out in the open at the park. Also, last night when all three men had the tatoo, Stiles is the one who said "Patrick, look." I think he is leading him along. Stiles and Patrick always had a bond that would fit. Also, if Stiles was dying, this may allow PJ to not actually have to kill him but watch him die in the park...so no hands getting dirty. Just makes more sense. The one rub in this is Stiles has been weak and wouldn't have strength to kill. But maybe that is where Visualize and Tyger/Tyger come in.


Does that make the case for Stiles being Red John stronger or weaker? On the one hand, is he physically capable of committing all these murders? On the other hand, he might be motivated to finish his mission before he dies.
You brought up both sides of it, which is exactly what we were sort of hoping for. He is a Red John suspect. I think he's been one of the strongest Red John suspects since his character's introduction, and you get to see him I think in a vulnerable way that we haven't really seen him in before. He's on the run. He's trapped by the FBI. He's forced to live sort of like Julian Assange in this consulate. So maybe what we're hoping is you think a little bit less of him. You think maybe he is on his way out and not capable, just because you sort of seem to feel a little empathy for him. On the other hand, if we are getting to the end of Red John, it's sort of perfect timing. Maybe he's resolving some final things. And the line "a dying man does not fear death" I think could mean a lot, just given how truthful that can be. He has nothing to lose at this point.

We've heard Red John's voice before and it doesn't match up with any of the suspects. How will the show resolve this?
We definitely will deal with that, and I think it's done in a really, really great way that's going to be coming up in [Episode 8]. ... We were very aware of that and conscious of it going forward and in dealing with Red John and [his] voice and all that stuff. So it definitely pays off, and faithful viewers will, I think, be satisfied by it.

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