Who is Red John?

Theories of TheRedKnight (3)

Guys,latest news!!!!!

The real Red John.


the leaked episode was fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Theory #14527 • By TheRedKnight
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Nobody was expecting this ending, so, one point to Heller. I liked it. McAllister and PJ are not superhumans, they are just very clever people, but they can fail. McAllister, together with Partridge, are the only supects that perform their first appearance in the first season. Mc is the one who best fits with the "he is mar" clue and the smell of pines... And he has appeared a lot of times in the series, remember, he is RJ. Timothy Carter was a bad fake RJ who came from nowhere explaining nothing and everybody was OK with it. I didn't like him. Mc, as leader of the BA, explains how RJ had a lot of accomplices. We don't know what crimes committed himself and wich ones committed his accomplices. This explains many things and keeps some mystery. About the voice... Everybody can fake different voices, like Bruce Wayne... I like the show moving forward.

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If Batman can change his voice, so can Red John

I hope, Partridge won't be Red John, the-creepy-forensics-guy-that-fakes-his-death is such a trite topic...

But, if it is well explained and justified I don't mind.

I'm waiting for surprises on the next episode!!!

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