Who is Red John?

Theories of ThePigeon (1)

I heard about the leaked episode this morning. And knew I had to watch it. The utter disappointment. The suspense and storytelling was so compelling leading up to it that, it really broke my heart. And the fact of the matter is. I do believe this is what we're seeing tomorrow. I want it so bad not to be the truth, but from reading this article....


it became apparent to me that the whole 'Red Herring' had to do with McAllister being accused first out of the three with the tattoo. I mean Jane was seconds from shooting him. And then to be like oh, well we know McAllister can't be Red John now that he was singled out. I know people can jump on the Partridge wagon or the Kirkland one as well saying resurrection is a great 'Red Herring' but McAllister does it too. In Kirkland's case meaning he never died. 

Ideally for me, I would have loved to see Stiles been the original Red John. But Stiles hung up his mantle and left in other hands. More sinister hands. And those hands happened to be the one responsible for killing his family. And even though Stiles fully respects Patrick he couldn't give up the one person his friend wanted most. Because that would mean he was giving up his son Brett Partridge. And for unneeded grandeur to cheaply imitate the great Thomas 'Red John' McAllister, Bret (one t) Stiles the original Brett (Two T's) Partridge, the successor. 

If the episode were 'fake' I think the time around Jane saying to McAllister 'You're Red John', that's when the real Red John comes out. No crazy lady with a knife. And hopefully thats when the whole thing begins to unravel. Because hell we got another 20 minutes. After that it's just them running and running.

I also would love it to be Kirkland. Really all of the theories we've posted Ladies and Gents, its been a pleasure to read. We all have creative minds. From the looks of it. A lot more creative then Heller. So how is he running this show making millions of dollars why we sit back chewing our nails and throwing things at the television and penniless.

Here's to hoping that Bruno Heller truly is 'The Mentalist' in fooling us all. If it truly is all a 'Red Herring', I will be the first to stand and applaud and thank him for his artistry. However, as more and more time passes, it hurts to think that this may be the reality.


The Pigeon who rid the world of Red John

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