Who is Red John?

Theories of ThePhantom (11)

I loved that it was Thomas McAllister. It made most the clues since S01E02 plausible. And great that they have made him say a phrase with the Red John voice.

I knew this would happen on this site after the discovery there are always people whom are disappointed.. If you want another bad guy, read a book.
Bruno kept to his originallity, there were 2 suspects on the list that were there since season 1.  Xander is a great actor and in episode 2 you could have seen the mini games getting started between him and Jane.

It's kinda funny that the theories of me and other Thomas McAllister believers were always being hated and stuff, with a lot of nasty comments and red butons etc. It's a tv show have fun for god sake guys and girls.

And no Bruno Heller will not tell anything more about Red John, that chapter is closed guys.

But is Red John really dead?

Heller: Red John is dead. It’s passed that point.

The Mentalist will continue even a season 7 will come.

Enjoy, it was a wonderful trip. And I hope we will have fun and thrilling experiences.

Remember there is still a season final for another great story to start or end.

And let's hope for another who is "*****" website <3

PS: "Hey Jane.. Lisbon is single, the love is there."

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I am happy that Thomas McAllister is highly likely Red John, my most favourite since season 1 episode two.
Look at this when PJ asks Thomas to stand up, he smiles. Just like he has planned something, the bomb.

Thomas stands with the most distance of the bomb, because he knows. Look his posture and his legs, as if he is about to escape.

Red John walks in the church with a gun on his right hand.

The reason why Red John got somehow distracted and got shot by Jane. Phobia.

He got shot, and his stunt man said a month ago that he was a stuntman of Thomas.

Red John's hands

I'm happy that he is Red John.

All credits to:

I'm actually quite happy that I got it right even before epsode 7 and the promo.

Here are some of my previous theories:
My most funny one
My most accurate one
And the one with the most characteristics.

If the photo links aren't showing correctly I will correct the problem to post it in the comment section.

And hey friends it's cool that we all love The Mentalist, let's all enjoy the final episode of Red John. We should be happy and enjoy the theories instead of bickering!



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After episode 8 will this site get shut down or are people here going make theories why Red John is not Red John but someone else? xD

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The Mentalist 6x08 episode "Red John" Sneak Peak!!!

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Prepare to be amazed...!!!

I did a little research 'out of the box' on our remarkable English writer Bruno Heller.

Bruno Heller has written 19 episodes of The Mentalist
It's a common knowledge that the head writer only writes his own episodes, because it is important to him that it stays accurate how he wants it.
We can conclude that all the episodes except for the 19 episodes of Bruno Heller are fillers. This is common in the Hollywood scene, that's why they hire other writers to fill in the gaps. This is how CBS earns money, more episodes is more money.

I have researched which of the 7 suspects have appeared the most in the episodes that Bruno Heller has written on his own.
My research list of the 19 episodes that are written by Bruno Heller:
Gale Bertram       5 episodes

Brett Partridge    4 episodes.

Reede Smith         2 episodes

CBI Ron                  2 episodes

Sheriff Thomas McAllister 1 episode

Ray Haffner   0 episodes

Bret Stiles       0 episodes

Bob Kirkland 0 episodes

We can conclude that Gale Bertram and Brett Partridge are really important to his own story. Reede Smith was also important, he helped Red John with his FBI access!
The characters with 0 episodes are probably not even made by Bruno Heller!

ThePhantom strikes again..!

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Patrick sits on the bench with a gun under his thigh and then this happens. In the season 2 final we have seen that Red John had a good aim with his gun. We have seen in many theories that it's plausible that Michael Kirkland is Red John.

Let's confirm it once and for all

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Let me get some people confused until Sunday.
Look at this list of Patrick jane, he covers the name Brett Partridge with his fingers.
Brett Partridge is the only name on this list and on the list of the final 7. 
You can look it out for yourselves, just be sure to zoom in.

Patrick Jane's list
The final 7 suspects:
Bruno Heller 0_0 Which list can we truly trust?

I have found a truly nice video of Brett Partridge's voice. Listen to those time frames..
3:23 "Hello" Patrick


For the record I'm just trying to make people doubt :P.

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