Who is Red John?

Theories of SpoilersButNotRly (1)

So after reading the article on TV Spoilers, I will post this here, it's the author's list of 'clues' that are 'spoiler free' regarding RJ and E08. Remember, this reviewer has seen the episode and knows who RJ is, but isn't revealing him (obviously!). So here it is...

- Someone using a phrase "your boyfriend" is gonna make a lot of fans happy.
- Some calls are worth so much more than $300.
- At least two people turn out to be much smarter than it seems.
- Some people just need an appreciation.
- Remember the clues? You should.
- "Hi"
- Someone gets to feel like Al Capone.
- It's always good to have Cho on your side.
- Some people are VERY determined to do their job.

Also, here's a link to the reaction video from Americ at HappyCool who does advanced reviews for Mentalist episodes. He doesn't spoil anything either!


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