Who is Red John?

Theories of Sezaru (21)

First, I hate long and boring theories, so I`ll try to be as
brief as possible.

For me, there are TWO possible theories:

The first one, which is insane and complicated
(but which, I confess, would satisfy me more) is that all this  7-suspects-list and Brett Partridge`s death are
bullshit, which means that Jane has some brilliant plan in mind and keeps the
REAL RED JOHN for himself. I mean, come on, doesn`t he always say “RED JOHN IS
MINE”? “MINE”, not Lisbon`s or, even worse, Van Pelt`s or the team`s. I mean,
Jane isn`t that stupid to make such a mistake by telling Lisbon the names,
knowing that she would probably want to put the suspects under surveillance. So
I think he orchestrated this intentionnaly, so this way HE will mislead Red
John, and not the opposite. Further than this I won`t go for the moment,
because if RJ isn`t one of the seven, I don`t know who he could be. Mashburn?
Maybe. But even better, what if RJ is one of the CBI team members? Maybe…Rigsby?
If Jane planned this, it means that HE wanted CHO, VAN PELT and RIGSBY to know.
Why then? I`ll continue this theory after we`ll watch some other episodes of
the  6th season.

The second one is strictly based on Bruno
Heller`s statements. In the second one I choose to believe them and to go with
the story. To think that there is no mislead and that there where  suspects, and now they`re 6. And one of them
is Red John. In this case, I have to confess that I am really disappointed because
my money were from the beginning on Brett Partridge who fits perfectly. But,
like I said, I will go with the story.

If Red John is one of the 6, and Patrick
was honest with Teresa and told her the names because he wanted help, and then
Lisbon called Van Pelt for the same reason, then this is pretty messed up. I
have always imagined Red John as a charming men, very resemblant to Jane. I
always thought they`re almost the same age, they`re both clever and precise,
manipulative and charismatic. I don`t know why, but I can`t imagine an old man
being  Red John, because I want him to be
like another side of Patrick, a darker and distructive one. Not just a random
man. For some reason, in this scenario, I`d guess that RJ is McAllister; I have
no arguments yet, but I`m searching for them.

Ok, that was long. Sorry for that. 

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CBI RON...this guy is ALWAYS there! I don`t know what to think - I don`t want him to be Red John, but he`s eligible for the position. He`s too quiet, kind and seems like he`s always willing to help. His presence freaks me out, he`s like a ghost: he`s at the CBI office, but sometimes, at the crime scenes, too. If he IS NOT RJ (and I hope is not), he definitely, definitely works for Red John! He seems so much like Rebecca, Bosco`s assistent and killer, so, my guess, he is also a psycho!

P.S. Given the fact that now the main subject on this site is Rebecca`s mysterious poisoning, I say this: IF the person who poisoned her is, in fact, Red John, the 7 suspects list reduces to Partridge (if we assume he cut his hair), Kirkland (if he painted his hair), and Haffner (if he painted his hair, too).
But my guess, it wasn`t RJ the person who murdered Rebecca, because she wasn`t alone when going to jail, so at least one of the guard would have recognized Partridge, Kirkland, or Haffner, who weirdly wore a police uniform. I think it was one of his disciples, so the question remains: Why is Rebecca looking at him like she`s in love with him, like he is Red John?
1. She never actually met Red John.
2. Red John is someone that`s not on the 7 suspects list.
3. Red John is someone working as a policeman, since none of the guards was surprised by his appareance.
4. Red John payed or manipulated all those guards to ignore him when poisoning Rebecca.
5.Red John is someone that Jane never met until episode 8, season 2. If he was able take a walk through the CBI departments without any fear, this means that he  and Jane never had a contact until that moment. Of course, if this is so, we can exclude Partridge, Sheriff McAlister, and Bret Siles from the list of suspects.
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And another thought that came to my mind, about…Walter
Mashburn!  Ok, he is not on the list, so
what? Jane never reveals his suspects before catching them. At first, I said
ok, let`s trust Bruno Heller and accept that we can trust the list. Maybe we
can. Maybe all those seven are somehow involved. But also, The Mentalist is not
a show where they give us the killer just like that. Because, let`s be honest:
we have a list of  suspects, so when the
moment of revealing RJ will come, maybe we will be surprised, but not that
much. What is the point of knowing the suspects? It just reduces the impact of
the show. Some of the fans could say “Ok, we have a list. I`ll watch only the
last episode to see which of them is the bastard.”. And then, when he is
revealed, we would be like “Ok, it`s Stiles, or Partridge, or one of the other
five. Interesting, but not a bummer”

My point is, everytime I think about Mashburn, all the
things related to him make me think that he is RJ. Besides the fact that he is
rich, has links and many important friends, he is mean and always get what he
wants, there is something that intrigues me.

In the last episode of season 5, “Red John`s rules”, Lisbon
says to Jane, “I can keep secrets”; he disagrees, but in a very weird way, like
he actually know that Lisbon is hiding something from him. Now, from what we know,
which is the ONE thing that Lisbon never told Jane? Right, Jane has no clue
that Lisbon slept with Mashburn. Of course, she doesn`t have to share with Jane
her sexual life, but still, it`s Mashburn, not just a random guy. In fact,
neither of us knows how did Mashburn get Lisbon to sleep with him.

More than that, when we first saw Mashburn in the second
season, there was a moment when he told Jane “now you just have to catch me”.
Then, in “Red John`s rules”, in the video which RJ sent to Jane he says, at a
point “until you catch me, or I catch you”. Small clue, but still.

Also, did you noticed that, each time Mashburn appears
(especially in the first episode we saw him) a really creepy music plays in the

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I was thinking...what if the person who wrote "HE IS MAR" on the wall wasn`t that men who knew Red John, but the hooker? In this case, the whole "he is mar" shouldn`t mean a name, or an occupation, as the hooker can`t guess those things. So, in this case, "he is mar" should reffer to a physical characteristic. He is marked, maybe? He is married (if RJ is wearing a wedding ring)?
I`m just trying to say that maybe Red John has something on his physical appeareance that makes him look different, or special.

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"HE IS MAR"= He is Marshal? Maybe :D 

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Not accusing anyone, just pointing something out: if you have the curiosity to rewatch episode 1 from season 2, in the opening scene when Jane is interrogating the people from the store where a man was killed, at minute 2.21 he asks a man "You, your name!", and he sais "REEDE". Then, few seconds later, he speaks with that intitled women, Mandy Schultz, who says that her husband, "JOHN" is a very important man. I`m not paranoid to think that they know something about Red John, but, still, how weird is that? Honestly, it is just fascinating :D

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I know he is not on the list, I`m not an idiot. If RED JOHN REALLY IS ON THE 7 SUSPECTS LIST, this is not a theory, but just an interesting fact that came to my mind.
You know how all RJ`s accomplices always say that is a charming person who can play with people`s minds. Well, Mashburn even got Teresa Lisbon to sleep with him. I mean, we know that she has a thing for Jane, so it is really difficult to make her sleep with you all of a sudden.
He always gets what he want. I think we all think at Red John as an ugly creepy person, but clues and his accomplices`s statements prove that he could be, actually, even more charming than Jane is.
I say it again, I`m not accusing W. Mashburn of being Red John, but, in my opinion, he is the most charming person (except Jane, of course) of the show. He could make any women fall from him, any man feel "small and intimidated" by his power and charisma, and he could also make kids love him. He is smart, rich and funny. Nothing like Red John. This is why he could be, from this perspective, the most obvious suspect.
Of course, he also has a thing for red sweaters. Even his employees wear red shirts. But this may be just a coincidence. Anyway, I`m sure that Mashburn is not just another character in the show.

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