Who is Red John?

Theories of Sezaru (21)

I don`t understand. Why is Sheriff McAllister a suspect? I don`t say he couldn`t be Red John, but I don`t know what made Jane think that McAllister could be RJ. He appears in an episode which has nothing to do with Red John and, yes, he has  weird behavior. His attitude with Van Pelt made us all believe that he could be the killer (who murdered that girl from the 2nd episode), but I think no one found any link between him and RJ.
I mean, if he is RJ, he most certainly does know that Van Pelt works with the CBI. The whole scene on that road when his harrases Van Pelt would make no sense, since he knows very well that she and Rigsby are part of Jane`s team. So which could be the link?
What made Jane put him on the list? This isn`t a random choice, that`s obvious, but I just can`t see the reason.

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Since I first saw the 11th episode from season 1, the one when that guy asks Jane to prove he is innocent in a murder case in exchange of telling him who RJ is, i always had the impression that the whole "HE IS MAR" thing has nothing to do with RJ. Jared appears to be pointing at the prostitute he was with, which is, in my opinion, a man. I swear that, when I saw the scene for the first time, I said "damn, that prostitute is totally a man". Look at her again, and tell me what you think. But concentrate on her face, please :). So I thing the message was "HE IS MAN", meaning the prostitute was a man. Maybe RJ wrote it himself. Or maybe Jared did, and even if he was reffering to the hooker, maybe this is, somehow, a clue about RJ. I don`t find the connection, maybe there is one.

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We all try to figure out who Red John is, but has any of you ever wondered why he does what he does? What is his story? Why all this murders? Why women? Why cutting them?
mean, yes, he is a sick person, we know that, but as Patrick always
says, there is a story behind people`s acts. I`m sure that, at the end
of the show, when Red John will be caught he will tell Jane his side of the story. He
will explain his motives and beliefs. I don`t say that they will be
reasonable or right, because it is impossible to be reasonable when
murdering another person.
However, my point is: the biggest clue of who Red John could be is his
story - childhood, family relationship, his personal life (is he
married, does he have kids?), and, most important, his traumas.
Something bad happened to him and the person responsible is, most certainly, a women. My guess? His mother. Probably, something related to sexual abuse, violence, or murder.
don`t think Red John`s father was there for him in this childhood, so
he didn`t have any paternal presence in his life. The reason why is say
this is because of his behaviour: obviously, he has a strong resentment
for women, and he feel more manly when he tortures them. He doesn`t actually know what being a man means, and this is because he didn`t have in is family an example to follow.
Red John doesn`t like to in insulted, so even that time with Panzer, when RJ knew for sure that Jane manipulated Panzer to insult RJ, so RJ could kill him, he didn`t stay away. He murdered him even if he knew that the whole thing was orchestrated by Jane. This means that he actually doesn`t stand the idea of being insulted and not punishing the person who dared to do that. This show a deep frustration inside, so we should think which of the 7 suspects could hide this type of feeling. Which one of them seems to not feel very comfortable with himself and with the others? I have a guess, I have already said in a recent post (http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/3633) that, for me, Partridge is the guy. Even if I don`t know anything about his past, his behavior make think that he didn`t have a great childhood, he didn`t have his father around, he probably has a cat and very fine tastes. But this is just my theory, you don`t have to agree with it.
But think about it, if
we knew something about the suspects pasts, we could have a better clue
about who RJ could be. This is how Jane closes cases - he attentively
studies people, based on their past, their personal lives, family and
friends. This is the best way to catch RJ, too. Instead of obsessivily
asking who, we should first ask why.

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I`ve changed my mind again. I`ve decided to create a theory based on how Red John is (how I think he is based on the evidences), and I think this will make sense for you, too. 
We all know that Red John`s major satisfaction is when he murders his victims, when he sees the life getting out of them. Still, I think that now Red John also has another big favorite hobby: seeing Jane feeling destroyed by RJ`s murders, and by the fact the he still is there, watching him with every step he makes. So the question that comes up is: Who is the person that is almost always there when Red John kills someone? Who is carefully analyzing the crime scene, waiting for Jane to come? Right, Brett Partridge. Is him, guys, I have no doubt. His voice, his look, his way to be, the way he looks at Jane, the way he says his name. This guy is sick. 
In a show like this, any detail counts. So have you noticed that Brett Partridge has change his look A LOT? I mean, in the first season he looked like a loser, and now he has a cool hairstyle, and he dresses in a different way, more stylish. Could this be a clue? Yes. As Red John becomes more and more shinny, so does his alter ego, Brett Partridge. I`m not saying he has multiple personalities, I am sure that he is 100% aware of his actions, but I think Brett Partridge`s evolution is determined by Red John`s.
If you think about it, in the first season neither Brett or Jane couldn`t stand the idea of being in the same room, and now, in the fifth season, they seem more..."friendly". I`m pointing this because we know that RJ sees Jane as and "old comrade, rather than an enemy" (Lorelei) and I can see that Brett`s behaviour with Jane has changed. If in the first season he accuses Jane of messing around and being a clown, in the last episode of season 5 when Jane strangely asks him if he thinks the murder was made by RJ or not, he answwers "I am just guessing. You are the expert". What a change of attitude, huh?
So this is it. All I have said before, plus the most important clue - his voice, which is exactely the voice RJ puts when talking to Jane, lead me to the conclusion that he is the one. Brett Partridge is Red John. He has to be him.
Fun fact: I have a friend who doesn`r watch the show, so she has no idea what it is about.I`ve decided to make an experiment, so I asked her to listen Red John speaking. Then I asked her to listen to all the seven suspects speaking. When Brett Partridge voice started to play she told me "I`ve listened to this one before. Is the same voice as Red John`s". 

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So, I`ve come with a new theory. If someone asks me who I think Red John is the first name that comes to my mind is Bret Partridge. Why? Well, mostly because of his voice, which is, actually, the only thing that could make us believe that he is RJ.
If I decide to think about it and examinate the evidences, like the CBI does, I might have a different opinion.
First, today I took another look on the 7 suspects list and I noticed something interesting: all of the suspects, except Bret Stiles, work with the police. So it seems like 6 of them have something in common, while Stiles has his own business and religion. Now, if you think about it, in the last episode of season 4, when Jane speaks with Red John in the limousine, RJ says that he found out about Lisbon and Rigsby not being dead when the FBI did. "I have a friend in the FBI", he said, so this could mean that he is not the one working for the police. For some reason, I generally trust in what Red John says to Jane.
Then, it is very strange for me the fact that Rosalind never said how old RJ is. Even if she is blind, and even if he used a disguise, the women slept with him, for God`s sake. It`s not very difficult to figure out how old is the man you`re having sex with. So why didn`t she mention his age? Is it because that would made a difference? Except for Bertran, McAllister and Stiles, the other 4 suspects are in their 40s, so if Roy would be older than 50, that would reduce the number of suspects at 3.
Least but not last, in the last episode of season 1, the one when Rosalind appears for the first time, the cop who is RJ`s accomplice, sherif Hardy, says that "Red John was a friend of his father". Sherif Hardy is at least 35 years old, so his father should have been at least 53-55 years if he were alive. This is why I can`t imagine Bret Partridge being friends with someone this old. I know it could be possible, but I just can`t imagine that.
So, in conclusion, my guess is Bret Stiles. Based on what I already said and on the other clues (he has intelligence, he is a mentalist, too, he has money, power, he is experienced, has his own religion, and seem the type of person who would listen to Bach, play the piano) I think that he is the son of a bitch. More than that, on season 4, he was trying to make Van Pelt join his Visualize club.
We already know that Red John has a thing for redheads, right?
The only thing that doesn`t fit is the voice, which I think is Bret Partridge`s. Of course, Red John is smart enough to put a different voice when talking to Jane, so this is not necessarily a clue.

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Let`s see. From what has been shown to us until now, we can
agree that:

Red John hasn`t had anything to do with
Patrick until the moment when he felt offended by Jane in the media and
killed his wife and daughter. We know that RJ is a serial killer who
started “working” in 1998, but he
didn`t do it because of Jane
, as he had nothing to do with him before
Patrick`s interview on TV.
So Red John began having an obsession for Patrick because
of that incident. He was probably surprised, intrigued or annoyed by
Jane`s intelligence and capabilities of reading people, so he decided that
murdering his family is not enough. He wants to make PJ his disciple, he
wants to manipulate him, and to make him understand that even if he has a
gift (of being a mentalist) Red John is way above his powers. He wants to
make Jane accept the fact that Red John will always be one step aside, and
that his desire of revenge is hopeless.
Given the fact that
killing PJ`s family was not enough for RJ, he decided to dedicate part of
his life and work messing with Jane and “testing his powers”. He has
friends everywhere, even in the CBI and his intelligence helps him always be
in the right place at the right time. More than that, Red John never lives any traces. How weird
is that? No one sees him, no one wants to speak about him.
So we have a really sick and intelligent person who
has the resources, the power and the abilities to make Jane`s life a
leaving hell. He has many tools (such as Lorelai Martins) who, for some
reason (they are probably sick persons, too) are manipulated by Red John
and do terrible things to “show their respect for him”. Are they hypnotized?
No. If they were, Jane would have figured it out instantly. So how is that
possible? How can someone make another person kill, torture other people or
even kill herself for the “holly master”?

My point is this: Red John wants to
teach Jane a lesson. He isn`t anyone from Jane`s past, but someone who wants to
make PJ understand that he is nothing but a liar, a clown who does nothing but
fooling around. He took his family away, he took Kristina Frye, and he wanted
Patrick to kill Lisbon (the only person that he trusts and, probably, is in
love with). He wants to took from PJ everything he loves, so, in the end, Jane
can understand that messing with Red John is not an option.

Interesting fact: Generaly, Red John kills the persons who dare to
speak publicly about him, but in PJ`s case, he decided to  murder his family instead, and to continue
keeping an eye on Jane`s life.

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Lorelei said Red John and Patrick had shaken hands, also has the fact that the voice of Red John, I was thinking, many say it is Brett Partridge, however, I have another theory, could it be the Dr.Wagner? One who appears in the pilot imitating a crime of Red John? Think about it, he is a therapist, it is not difficult to manipulate people like Red John does, and also the fact that he has imitated a crime and not Red John was dead, and that Red John himself "not tolerate copies cheap ", following this direction, Dr. Wagner was to be killed for a crime copy of Red John, but not this, then, is that the killer is in our face since episode 1? Sorry for the bad english, I'm brazilian

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