Who is Red John?

Theories of Redpeltsby (1)

Theory #16693 • By Redpeltsby
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If u think ur so great clicking unlikely on stoopkid's theories, u write a theory. O i c, u don't know any theories. The annoying thing is u must think its macallister. Nope. Rigsby
is red john and it's mind blowing.
U must rewatch when rigsby lures Kristina frye out, u see it has to be rigsby. There's so many clues. Ignore all haters, once u wait till the end, u will see I'm right. Redpelt and redrigsby. Aunt yolanda is Kristina frye. Am i opening ur mind? Rigsby father killed on the farm and jane is onto Derek logan.
Do u see the true potential heller has made here or do u want to think macallister is redjohn. Up to u. I know anyone with an open mind will enjoy this. typical partridge fans will cry because "red john enters here" isn't getting a billion plausibles anymore, so they can't sleep at night haha
Sorry kids but it's time for real theories with real clues! Redrigsby is leading this new age. Every1 is discussing it so u guys should just join in. I'm just one of hundreds of stoop's fans.

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