Who is Red John?

Theories of RedThoughts (10)

I wish people would stop hating on Xander Berkley....
    Xander and Simon did a great job with what screen time they had.
The issue I have with the episode is there simply was NOT enough RJ and PJ...
Let's be honest.....we didn't care what Lisbon, Cho, VanPelt, or Rigsby were doing....
This entire episode should have been filled with PJ and RJ.

  Bruno Heller under used two of the best actors working in television.......
Xander and Simon could've done so much if more had been written for them.  
They did great with what little they had.
RJ is only a man....  I didn't expect him to show up wearing a cape or having horns.
The death scene was great.  There are no monsters out there.  Only men capable of horrible things.

So i say "great job" to Xander and Simon.....I only wish they were together on screen much much longer....
   The fans wanted a longer, showdown....

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TV Guide Magazine: Were the other potential Red Johns jealous when you won the prize?
Berkeley: One day on the set Malcolm McDowell [Bret Stiles] said to me, "Mate, you're Red John! Do you know what that means? Do you realize how much money you're going to make on this?" I'm, like, "Huh? What do you mean?" He said, "At the conventions! Don't tell me you don't go to the conventions! Listen to me, mate. Get that girl over there with the camera and tell her to take loads of photos with you and that guy over there" — he points to Simon Baker — "and you go to those conventions with stacks of those photos and people will line up with their money and they will pay you to sign them! It's true! You go, 'Next! Thank you very much! Next! Thank you very much!' It's huge!"

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Go to this page.....  i used the sockshare link.
  Yes it's mcallister.......     Yes birds are his phobia.....
Yes CBS ruined the reveal with their promo.....
    Yes patrick strangles him...
Oh and TruthLiesInLogic    I  hope you read this post...BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO

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Theory #11423 • By RedThoughts
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Proof that partridge isn't dead??????   Zombie partridge confirmed?!   Highlight and open this link in a new tab..



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"It's almost like a love scene, as perverse as that sounds," Baker told TV Guide Magazine. "The end of Red John was originally planned to take place at night on the street with people watching, but I pushed to do it in the daylight in a quiet, beautiful place where they could be alone. There is no human act more intimate - not even sex - than killing another human being and watching them die."




                             It's all right in front of you......I think the fans on this sight are better writers than the ones of the show......but many people are thinking WAY too hard and others have become lost in these theories and their memories of the show convoluted, filled with red herrings and false facts from this sight....

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  The following links are all you need to see who Red John will be....
Sorry it's not some overthought ridiculous theory....I admit those are fun to read.
        So here are pics of nick nordella and xander berkley.  And finally a short plausible theory.
One can obviously see that nick nordella is going to be a young McCallister..... 



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