Who is Red John?

Theories of RedKiller (1)

Before you skip past this please, hear me out. I know Red John has supposedly been revealed as the sheriff, Thomas McAllister but I believe that he is not the real Red John. I will explain why, but first let me talk about the episode itself.   The episode is certainly not of the standards of the genius Bruno Heller, and the whole thing just felt way too rushed. Heller has always tricked and surprised us, but McAllister turning up as well as Bertram really wasn't surprising at all, after all we saw McAllister in the promo! And who really thought that Patrick would tell the world Red John's identity anyway, so that ruled out Bertram right there. What Patrick did wasn't a great trick or a beautiful work of his mind like we all expected and hoped for, and Patrick and RJ barely talked anyway and no questions were answered. The whole episode felt like a big joke from Heller, kind of like a test to see who would buy that McAllister is really Red John. But anyway now I will get on with the actual theory and thanks for sticking around so far.   I think that the reason Patrick was so brief with McAllister was because Patrick knows that McAllister isn't Red John, and that the real Red John would be watching and laughing the big chase through the neighbourhood - thinking he had Patrick fooled. I think that the real Red John thinks that he is playing Patrick, and Patrick is actually playing him. When I found out that Bret Stiles was truly dying I suspected him as before, as Red John, I thought the fact that he was dying mirrored the ending of the Red John storyline. And when he died in the explosion, just like that, with such a brief explanation I thought that it couldn't be right. The majority of you are probably thinking how Stiles could kill all the people at such an old age, and I answer your thoughts with this - he doesn't kill them. I think that Stiles is the brains of Red John, the man who pulls the strings. I will get on to who the muscle or puppet aspect of Red John is in just a second.    As soon as the list of seven was revealed, straight away the only person from that list that I could imagine being Red John and actually being smarter than Jane was Stiles. At this point in The Mentalist there are still a lot of loose ends that need to be wrapped up and explained, I think we as the long term viewers really deserve it. Some of these loose ends are the "He is Mar" thing, which I for one cannot explain (please leave a comment if you have any idea), but I think I can explain however the Kirkland twin situation, and Kristina Frye. I think Stiles is the only one from the list capable of brainwashing the likes of Kristina Frye, and that explains how he knew where she was - if Stiles actually is Red John and brainwashed her. As for Michael Kirkland, I think he is the muscle of Red John. We all know that Red John gains his followers or disciples when they are at a weak point in their lives, and where do people go when they feel so weak and helpless, maybe after a loss? A place like Visualise that boast that they can help you see the world in a different way. I think Michael found Visualise in their early days, and that Stiles intended to brainwash and control Michael and probably did, but used him to satisfy his need for killing. After watching the eighth episode, I thought that Red John couldn't just go down like that and with no connection to visualise.    Now onto how Patrick is playing Red John. I have watched the promo for episode 9 and Patrick seems to go on holiday, or go on vacation. Remember how Patrick faked a breakdown and even we believed it until he actually told Lisbon it was all just a trick? I think this is similar, in how Patrick will escape from it all pretending he has forgotten his old life, in the knowledge that RJ will contact him or kill again. I think Patrick will do some greater trick, something classic Patrick Jane that would really credit his character and end up finding Red John. I think that Patrick will find and kill Michael Kirkland, and maybe see Stiles and talk, discuss, and explain things a bit intending to kill Stiles. I think Stiles will escape somehow though, and it will take Patrick a few days to finally track down Stiles again - The True Mastermind. I think Patrick will find out Stiles is staying in his mansion, and Patrick will enter the mansion and be greeted by a maid. The maid will then inform Patrick that Stiles passed away of natural causes just that day, and Patrick will have to accept that he never actually killed the mind of Red John. In my opinion that would be the perfect ending to a perfect show, but tell me what you think. Hit Green if you agree with me or found my Theory interesting. Thanks for reading, and please leave a comment giving me your thoughts and opinions.  

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