Who is Red John?

Theories of RedJohnPatrickJane (1)

I'm going to answer some questions that some people may have if I was in the shoes of Bruno Heller. If you do enjoy reading this, please click green. Hopefully this will clear up some of the questions people have been asking on this site and maybe it will cut down on the spam as well.

"There is no way that he could have been Red John, the pieces don't fit!!!"
Yes, I do agree with you. The pieces don't fit and if I do remember correctly, Heller said that a person who had watched the show thoroughly would be able to figure out who Red John is, that is not the case. However, lets think about it in Bruno Heller's shoes. He has had this TV Show going for 6 Seasons and has managed to keep the Red John story going. In my opinion, of course the ending was going to be bad, he kept it going for too long. I was happy with the season 3 ending.

"So Jane has killed Red John! What now?"
I like to think that Red John was more of a bonus to the show. I liked seeing Jane's shenanigans and crazy methods or solving crimes. However, the Red John episodes were very intriguing and constantly always left loose ends or a cliffhanger at the end of the episode. This actually irritated me a bit as I would have liked to have see Jane kill Red John 3 seasons ago rather than Bruno Heller doing the same thing over and over and repeating the same thing that happened in the last episode. An example of this would be, "Person has information on RJ. Dies at the end of episode and Jane gets no information."

"What about all the unanswered questions?"
I would totally agree with you and don't have a in-depth answer to this one. I genuinely have no clue as to why Bruno Heller would leave these sort of important questions unanswered. He could however be saving all of the answers until the very last episode.

In conclusion, these are just some of the 'frequently asked' questions. There is also a lot of controversy in who preferred previous season endings and would have preferred them be the last episode. People have also written their own scripts for the episode where Jane meets Red John face to face and I do have to say that some of them are incredibly impressive. I actually think to myself "Why couldn't Bruno Heller have used that script instead of using the one that he did!"
In my own personal opinion the ending I would have preferred was the one below.

I also would have loved it if the very last scene of the show was Jane laying down in his bed with the Smiley face above it like this and it just slowly zooms in on it. 

This ending would have made the TV series for me. Obviously with some tinkering so that RJ reveals himself.

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