Who is Red John?

Theories of RedHawk (3)

For starters I'm utmost disappointed with the final episode, as I'm sure a lot of us true fans are. I just can't get the people "liking" this episode. And what I can stand less, is the people that crave to see "some action" between Jane and Lisbon, i cringe every time I hear or read the word "Jisbon" (I'm cringing right now as I write it, damn), hell, the last thing I tuned in for watching this show was the romance; in fact, I hoped there will be no romance between them, because that will just destroy the image of the show. This show is not about romance, it's a crime show, it's about a man with phenomenal mind prowess in a search for revenge and justice for the death of his beloved wife and daughter. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate romance or drama, but for god's sake, if you search for romance just go and watch a drama show, there at a crap load of them. But don't watch a serie about serial killers and murders and hope there will be a Romeo and Juliette side story to it, that 's just misplaced and plain stupid.
Sorry for the rant. But understand that I'm on tremendous amount of anger and mixed feelings which the damned last episode just triggered. I even felt sorry for Red John at some point which normally wouldn't even be considered, seing as the man was portrayed in previous seasons... But I guess Heller, ultimately, wanted his super vilain to die as a miserable man, and not live up to the legend that was Red John. By that he destroyed his character, along with ours hopes, and any future prospective that we will ever watch this show again.
Farewell my friends, that was a real pleasure reading your theories and thoughts, some of them were by far better than the dull ending we witnessed.

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[ If you don't like spoilers don't read below, because I'll tell you who Red John is ]
[ Read at your own risk ]
Hi again everybody,
Well, the last episode (6x07) was a huge disappointment  for me, mainly because it revealed to us 2 things:
- For one, the whole Bertram is RJ thing, is just a huge (last) red herring, and the press conference declaration of RJ identity to the media was made by Jane, just to throw off the police forces and the masses attention to a fake suspect. Do you honestly think that the careful, meticulous, calculative, and somewhat selfish Patrick Jane would share his "prize" with others? I think not. What I think happened, is that PJ knows who RJ is and he's pretending not to know his identity, and let him think that he's lost the game of guessing who he was, just to lure him out of his hiding, to finally confront him and ultimately kill him, and that's what the next  episode (6x08) is all about.
- For the second point, this episode revealed to us the identity of RJ, how you ask? Well it's easy to guess if you use a little logic, that's what the show is all about, a game of logic and deduction. I won't hide it anymore, the real man behind the all mighty RJ, is none other than... wait for it... "Sheriff Thomas MacAllister", yes, a lot of us are, and will be disappointed, like Bruno predicted it, because up until now, none of the suspects showed signs of being RJ, be it the physical description, or the behavior traits, apart from the phobias and the whistling that were thrown at us like confetti at a wedding, which by the way added to the confusion more that anything else... Well how come did I come to this conclusion? The simple fact that some survived the explosion and some were  burned to a crisp tell us something, I'll explain: look at the survivors: PJ, Bertram, Smith, what did they have in common? They all were at the over the other side of the room, away from the explosion point, which I'm guessing, was behind the couch Style and Haffner were sitting on, oh yes and McAllister, but remember, McAllister was at the other side as well with the others, and he was at the farthest distance too, so logically he was the least person to sustain  injury. How come is he declared dead. Well, they did not find his body, rather, just DNA, which we know is easily implanted in the scene, it could be blood (we've seen this before). So, he's NOT dead. It was all part of his plan, to fake his death, escape, and frame another suspect for being RJ (First it was Smith, then Bertram). Further the actions of Bertram tells us a lot of clues, he is either a disciple of RJ, or maybe he follows orders from above him in the Blake Association (this name sucks I know but Bruno chose it...)  but doesn't know that they come from RJ. So when he went to take the money, the recepionist called him "Thomas", this is no coincidence, it is in fact Thomas MacAllister's (Aka Red John) safe he went to, and under his instructions of course. The USB lighter that the team found in that place was not left by Bertram, but it was intentionally left by Red John, and it was not a list, it was most likely a message to Jane, because he knew he would be the only one to decode it (Van Pelt confirmed it). Which of course he did, and guess where it will lead him? Yes, to that church, where he'll meet his nemesis. Patrick knows this so he brought a gun (remember the gun he got from the safe a while back), but McAllister don't know or anticipate that PJ will have a gun of less likely he'll shoot him in a church, maybe that's why he chose that place for the first confrontation.
To the ones amongst you saying that McAllister can't be Red John or he's not suited for it due to his dull personality, well, maybe you don't know this, but in real life, serial killers hardly never reveal their real identity or personality to others in fear of being discovered. Hence, we can conclude that the "Sheriff" persona, was all an act, and that in the next episode we'll finally see the "real" personality of McAllister which is  Red John. And the ones that know the performance of Xander Berkeley as an actor know that he can really pull it off, you just have to see one of his other work (see "The booth at the end") to be completely convinced. And honestly, I prefer it to be McAllister than any other one on that list.

That's all folks, I'm glad I boarded this Mentalist/Red John train with you all, that was truly a fun ride, but sadly the game has come to an end.

See you next time.


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This is not a theory, I just want to try and explain a scene that we've seen in the last episode (fire and brimstone).
the end of the episode where PJ gathers the three suspects with the tattoos near the window and aimed at them with the shotgun, we see a flash of light and we hear a gunshot. Heller probably wants us to think that PJ shot a suspect (for those of you who think it's not Jane who fired but the others behind his back, I tell you it's impossible, simply because the shot we heard cannot be a pistole's shot because it's too loud). Well I'll explain why he shot the shotgun, be very attentive:  remember earlier before they came to the house, he brought the shotgun with him, he went to the room where his wife and daughter were killed, as if he meditated one last time before killing RJ, then, he went to the other old house, he laid down the shotgun on the table, responded to Theresa's call, and then in what seems to be a hurry he opened the safe to take a gun, a pistole to be specific. Look closely what at he did with the pistole, he verified it was loaded, we can see the ammunition.We have some questions here, why would he need a second gun if he has already gun, and a shotgun at that is more trusty than a handgun, why would he make sure the pistole is loaded and not the shotgun. Now, here is the catch: the shotgun he brought from that shady guy is a fake, or to be exact, it shoots blanks. Now you ask me why did he need a fake gun with blanks, if he already had a pistole. I think that PJ anticipated the scenario where more than one suspect will have a tattoo, that's why he acted quickly and didn't hesitate when he saw 3 of them having the tattoo. He gathered them near the window and then shot the blanks. But for what reason you say? Here's the reason: to see their reaction when they think they're gonna die, after all a man only shows his true nature in the face of death. So PJ wants to see their micro expression/reaction in the lastest moments when he shots the gun, even if it is a blank it will do the job eventually, and let's not forget that PJ is no normal man, he is in fact a "Mentalist", and he will most probably pick up the smallest clues in that brief moment of panic and distress.

Thank you for reading, please comment on any ideas or questions you might have.

Just a bonus: Bertram's reaction in that episode was too suspicious, also when PJ tells them that one of them is RJ, they either laughed (Styles and Smith), or were scared (Haffner), or even made a facepalm (McAllister), except for Bertram, who didn't seem surprised and asked him back: "Who is it?". it almost feels like he's RJ and is taunting Jane. Well, it would be a logical reaction from him if it were the case.

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