Who is Red John?

Theories of LovePJ (2)

i don't know if anyone who appeared in the show is capable of being RJ...

no character is shown that possess PJ intelligence....

generally looking on all concepts only Bret is shown in that aspect but not enought to know that hi is RJ...

anyway, whatever happens in the end i think that it won't be that simple ... it won't be "RJ is that person" ... it will be something mixed up and complex ...

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Okay, so first I thought PJ was still in the institution and the whole series spun out of his memory
as a way for him to deal w/ the murder of his family. Hence, the "mental-ist" Maybe RJ even worked there.
Now I think it might be too derivative. Also pretty sure that RJ isn't Jane. Nor Teresa. Her religious values are too real and established as a foil for PJ. Personally, I really like Teresa and yes, I'd like
to see PJ fall in love again, but I don't see him w/Teresa. He loves her like family, not romantically.(Sorry!) He was half in love w/ Lorelei, which makes more sense to me. interesting to see LM's role next season. she will definitely help PJ. I also think Kirkland will team up w/ PJ. My guess is he's a victim of RJ and suspects PJ. Makes his line
"I know who you are" make total sense. He will realize its not PJ and they'll work together. From the list, only BP makes sense to me. His persona could hide his psychopathy and the actor could reveal the crazy once he's been caught. i can see episodes of cat and mouse, questioning, mind games. PJ won't kill him (done it, didn't work) but someone else will...Teresa? Kirkland? Still, I think the list isn't genuine, so...I don't think we are limited to this suspect pool. I really love the idea someone floated that one of the
central women is the little girl PJ conned and I think Sean Barlow will play I role in the RJ
reveal. Finally, "he is man"...probably "he is many"...the cult, the brainwashing, the California setting...all feels a bit Manson family inspired (or maybe that's just me ). Love the site!

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