Who is Red John?

Theories of Kinky69 (4)

Last nights episode was...... I have no words.

Rate 10 stars! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3160200/

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Theory #6092 • By Kinky69
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You will look at these 3 photos https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/s720x720/21425_10151776620704861_20733906.....



This is how it looks like in the backround when you are watching a tv show or a movie. God it felt so good getting that out. And as of now after this, you won't be able to watch any movies or tv shows. Least I can do (for the idiots I mean)

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Question that just popped in to my head:
Why didn't Jane just rush to Bertram's office as he was on the phone with Red John? And if he would be in his office then Jane would have one less suspect on his list, right?

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Theory #1624 • By Kinky69
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Its totally stupid sam because he came back from the stupid dead to continue being stupid red john. Sorry that was my STUPID friend <3 haha hehe like but i tots think its like sam because he looks like so guilty like all the time like, every time a red john case is bought up like he like went all weird like?

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