Who is Red John?

Theories of KidJohn (2)

I find it funny how everyone's either bitching about the reveal, or is in denial—trying to convince yourselves that this episode is a fake, and that this story deserves a better ending. Fine, it wasn't the climactic, jaw-dropping, gut-wrenching reveal that we all expected. However, you forget two important things about this episode.

Firstly, this episode was always going to be about Patrick. Nothing more, nothing less. It was about him finally getting his wish, finding justice. You're supposed to look at it from Patrick's point of view, not a third person viewer demanding for answers. He didn't want answers, he didn't want to give Red John the satisfaction and appreciation that Red John so desperately craves for and has fed on for so long. If you expected all the answers to be revealed in this episode then you're just impatiently unreasonable and stupid. There's still more than half a season to go, and I'm sure answers will come. And also, Xander Berkeley is a great actor, and he did justice to the Red John character, in my opinion. I don't understand how everyone's bitching about the acting.

Secondly, you forget that Heller himself did warn us about how our own ideas and theories of how Red John should be; how we've built up this almost untouchable immortal personality in our heads was going to ultimately leave us feeling disappointed and cheated on. But in all honesty, if you take a moment to reflect on the last 5 years, was this cruel? Should we feel led on for the past 5 years? Can we curse the producers and accuse them of having a knee-jerk reaction of a decision to choose McAllister as Red John? I wouldn't. I believe that Heller did know whom he wanted as Red John from the beginning, and that they probably did stick to the general plot from the get go. But clearly, as with any TV show, there are going to be instances of uncertainty from the producers part, depending on external factors such as whether the show is going to continue for another season each year, whether the actors playing some of these characters were going to be available at given times in the script, as well trying to please a wider audience to have the necessary views for the show to continue. I believe that it was 'cause of the fans' whining in the first place—about how the Red John saga was dragging along for too long.. yadda yadda—that the creators had to rush with the plot and reveal this season. You only have yourselves to blame, really.

All I have to say is, instead of whining about it, how about we try and be thankful for what we got, for once. Heller and co. have done an amazing job at keeping all of us entertained and guessing for the past 5 years, with all in all, a brilliant set of characters, a brilliant storyline and a brilliant production. I'm just grateful to have been part of the journey.

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Okay here I'm gonna give my two cents worth. Obviously it's just a theory.

Anyone else find it weird about the whole thing behind Partridge's death? They haven't even
shown the body or validated that it's him through an autopsy. We haven't seen it. And it is implied that neither Jane or Lisbon has seen the body since then too. For all we
know, they were just told that they found his ID beside a mutilated body. And Jane was stupid enough to wipe the blood off her face before they could've used it to identify whether it was really Partridge.
If there is a "tyger tyger" organization within the ranks of police and agents, it
would've been so easy to cover up this ruse because it was Red John's plan. I still think Partridge is
Red John. Heller hasn't come out and said that Partridge is officially
out of the running. He just said that it was Red John's decision to kill
Partridge. And that there's a good reason for it. If Partridge IS Red
John of course there's a good reason for him to seem like he was
"killed" to cause a diversion in Jane's plans. And most importantly for us to feel like he's out of the running just for that added suspense for the final revelation. And if you think about it, all the clues still lead to him: Harker and Sophie's physical and behavioral descriptions of him (him being a middle aged man which eliminates Bertram, Stiles and McAllister effectively), the creators saying we've seen him in the show before season 4 (hence eliminating Reede and Kirkland.)

I do have a nagging feeling that Red John is related to Bret Stiles. Like maybe he's an illegitimate son (would explain his messed up psychopathic nature if he did grow up with a single, perhaps alcoholic mother) who found his Dad after years, maybe when he was just starting to kill people in his teens (hence the Barn) who took him into his ranks (Visualize) and taught him the necessary skills for brainwashing. That would explain why Stiles may know so much about Red John but refuses to reveal anything, because it's his son. Maybe Bret Partridge was really called Bret Stiles Junior but because his Dad was never around growing up, he took up a different moniker through that anger not be associated with him at that time. A moniker in the name of the painting (A brace of Partridge) of his favourite Poet - Edward Blake, who also wrote "tyger tyger" whilst still keeping the first name Bret. Lol. What are the chances? Oh well, one can speculate.

What do you all think?

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