Who is Red John?

Theories of JayMan (9)

Hey guys

Seeing as this Sunday we finally come to the end of the Red John journey I thought I'd do a quick theory as to how the writers may still catch us out.  I doubt it though, and I must say the way thing turned out so far has been quite disappointing.  But lets do a final roundup of the last few episodes.

In a previous post I took a look at the GPS trackers in the first episode of season 6 and proved that apart from Partridge, whom I was disappointed to see dead in episode 7, Gale Bertram was the closest to the scene where Partridge died, which was about 16 minutes away.

Now once again, we find that one person is being made to seem like an obvious Red John, which is Bertram. He's the only one of the 7 who is still alive apart from Reede Smith, yet Reede Smith seems to not be Red John. He seems too weak. Gale has the tattoo he murdered a bartender and he is on the run because of the Blake Organization.  In the preview for episode 8 we see, who seems to be Bertram, join Patrick in the church and Patrick saying "Now you want to beg for mercy?" to him while he points the gun at him. Does this not strike you as a bit of an "easy conclusion"? I mean Patrick is in the church at the end of episode 7 so whoever that is comes in at the START of episode 8.  So is it really Red John?

I'm still curious about Bret Stiles. I know I know... He's "Dead", but as we've seen in a former Visualize episode, when a cop that is part of Visualize is asked to 'clean' the crime scene, they do so with no regard for their well being.  Also on numerous occasions we've heard that Bret communicates with Red John, so why is he acting all dumb in episode 6 when Jane wants to see his arm?  He must be clued up on this. 

Other things, they said that at the end of episode 1, there is a big clue. I thought it is the GPS tracker thing, or Partridge saying "Tyger Tyger", but others say that as well so why episode 1? Then I realized that Red John paints blood on Lisbon's face, the same way Stiles paints his disciples' faces in the ritual in episode 6.  

The three dots tattoo? As previously stated by another user, this could also be a mark made during chemo therapy, we know that Bret Stiles is dying, he said he does not have long, so could he have cancer and the three dots were a mark after getting treatment? Why did the writers feel we need to know he's dying, when they planned to kill him at the end of the episode in which they reveal that he will die soon? The information seems irrelevant when not taken into the Red John context.

Older clues include him knowing where Kristina Frye was. He helped PJ get Lorrelei out of prison, clearly Red John wanted her out to kill her so that's a coincidence.  He also semi-hypnotized Van Pelt which to me shows he has the same abilities as Patrick and also when he meets Patrick, they seem like they are jousting as they speak.  

Thank you everyone for enjoying the show with me and for all the fun discussions on this site.

Enjoy Sunday's episode.

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I always like doing a little recap to rethink some of my previous theories. My opinion, since I've seen him, has been that Patrick's father, Alex, is Red John.

I have not seen the second episode yet of season 6, but from what I see it seems to have placed Haffner in the spotlight.

We need to remember that even though someone may fit a set of clues down to the last detail, there must be a reason for someone to have been written in as the main antagonist of any story. When taking this into consideration, Haffner does not seem to be a good candidate as he showed up from nowhere into the story and has been pretty inactive when it comes to the main story line.

I am of the opinion that more than one person is involved in this saga. I will list some of my less likely scenarios in a moment, but first I want to look at recent things which I feel are significant:
1) Partridge's death - honestly, I've watched it over and over a few times but I just can't make out what happens to Teresa at the end of episode 1 in season 6. It seems like she falls over, from where she stands there is a window behind her, either Red John is outside that window or on the floor . . . . . . . ? I know Partridge was announced dead in episode 2 but we know Red John has influence on the goings on in the CBI. If Brett were RJ, it may be that he staged his murder to get PJ off his trail, as Patrick asks him earlier in the episode whether he really has no idea why Patrick is looking at him like that.
2) The list of seven - So Red John does this neat thing where he calls out Patrick's list two months before Patrick has the final list of seven. But when Patrick realizes someone broke into his room, he smiles. Did he lead Red John to these 7 names? Was this his way of weeding out Red John's helpers? 

Red John was said to have contacts in the CBI and FBI. This kind of primarily excludes him from actually working for the CBI.  But then again Red John obviously is not one person working alone. So lets ask ourselves again, what would the reason be (for undoubtedly, if he were real) the most successful serial killer, would overthrow a whole police department to torture Patrick Jane?  It MUST be extremely personal.

I will, until it is revealed to be otherwise, stick to believing that Alex Jane (Patrick's father) is the mastermind behind the Red John group. He is Red John. My theory is as follows:
1)Patrick runs away from a life shared with his father, conning people for financial gain, with his wife. This may have enraged his father and made him hate Patrick's wife and family as he feels they 'stole' Patrick away from him.
2) The Tyger - This poem revolves around the question that why would God create something like the devil who is the exact opposite of what God is.  This could mean that after Jane left his father, his father may have taken on another 'student' or 'students', this may be where one of the seven comes in. Or more than one.  Patrick's father may have taught someone in the list what he taught Patrick, and they are working together.
3) Red John must be old enough to have been in visualize for many years, or been in visualize many years ago. Patrick's father would fit that clue, and Brett Stiles said he knew Patrick's father.
4) The only person who may be able to match what Patrick can do, would be the one who taught him what he knows (once again refer to The Tyger). His father would know what his next move(s) would be and thus it may seem as though he's 'psychic'.
5) The childhood memory - The lady that is killed by Red John is revealed to have been a source for a happy childhood memory of Patrick. Who else would know about this but his father? 
6) Just as a general point, I think we've seen enough of his father, been told little enough about what happened to him and that he is a big enough blindside for him to be revealed as Red John and have everyone be surprised.

One of the scenario's I considered was that Patrick may corner one of the seven suspects and in their death or in the moment he has them in his hands, that person reveals that his father is Red John, and the particular suspect was either his father's prodigy or even Jane's brother he did not know about.

As I said, I will stick with my theory until the reveal is made, but before you submit another theory, just remember that you have to think story-wise what Bruno Hellar's move would be. Would he really dedicate the build up to the reveal piling on evidence for one person so we know beforehand who Red John is, or does he want to keep us guessing until the reveal? I think that if an episode points to someone, we can safely say that it is a red herring. 

Red John will be someone who no one has supected and who may have been dismissed on multiple occasions.  

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