Who is Red John?

Theories of Jack (2)

Unless we see a scene next episode with Partridge being buried or something to do with his body my money is still on him. Patrick said Red John with know you bugged the phones and use that to his advantage and he did by drawing Lisbon to him. Now if he wasn't going to kill her then he would have to make sure she didn't see him or fake his death so she thinks that Red john kill Partridge and knocked her out when really Partridge fake being hurt to eliminate him self for now so he could throw Patrick off when he finds out none of the other 6 are Red John.  Taking it back ( When Partridge fell out the door was close he falls Lisbon turns around door open THEN get hit in back . Partridge is Red john 

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Theory #4094 • By Jack
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I know i'm way off most likely but this caught my eye and i wanted to share just in case i'm right about this and it's not a typo first go to (  http://www.cbs.com/shows/the_mentalist/red-john/  )

Now look through all the seven suspects and notice that for Bret Stiles it doesn't say Character before his name like it does for everyone else but like i said maybe just a typo

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