Who is Red John?

Theories of Daxxman19 (1)

With every new RJ episode, I am more and more convinced that he is not just one guy.  Used a gun/shotgun here, a linoleum knife there, poison on Rebecca (I believe he personally killed her - she wouldn't be so happy if it had been someone else walking towards her). And then you have Miranda, who was the only raped girl. I don't know anymore, the show is driving me crazy and that is why I love it. I was thinking about RJ's MO, but there isn't one. He killed girls in their homes, and killed those who insulted him. He killed Jared, fearing he would rat him out. And he killed Hicks, a CBI agent.

And here you have the second biggest mistake in the show, right behind not pressing Stiles to sing everything he knows about RJ. That second mistake is - they knew what was going to happen to Panzer, and they didn't put surveillance on him. They could've caught RJ that easily. And also, Panzer and Jacqueline insulted RJ, so he killed THEM. But when Jane spoke about RJ - he killed his family.

After Red barn, we know a little bit more. But what about the symbol ? So far we learned that RJ places it so it can be seen first, paints it with victim's blood. And now we know that the symbol was painted on the barn before Talbot and Charney were killed. Did that "kid" kill those two ? And why ? This season is seriously messing with our minds.

Right now, you can't name one suspect with him matching all the things we know about RJ. But you can see who RJ is not. And he is not :

1) Partridge -> For the love of God, people - stop thinking it's him ! His voice is similar to RJ's altered voice, not his real. They did that to throw you off, yet you are persistent it is so easy and he is RJ. Brace of Partridge ? Do you know how stupid that is ? Jane calls him out in the pilot, saying he reads Fangoria, which is a slasher magazine. RJ is to Partridge what Jordan is to Scalabrine, that's all.

2) Kirkland -> Stop mentioning that scene when Jane shakes his hand. We've all seen it, there is nothing there. It doesn't matter that Lorelei wasn't there to see that handshake. If there was something there for you believers, they didn't have enough time to become enemies since then. And we know PJ and RJ don't get along since that meeting.

3) Alex Jane -> Yes, he could've killed his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter for revenge, but that is sick. And what is his motive for the victims prior to Jane's family ? Makes no sense.

4) Danny Ruskin -> Why would he kill his sister and little niece ? And what is his motive for the earlier victims ? Also makes no sense.

5) Amos Van Pelt -> Stop writing about football conection and He is ma being Heisman. RJ will not turn out to be an organization founded by Amos Van Pelt, Notre Dame's defensive coordinator and Alabama's offensive coordinator. In the pilot, Jane tells GVP "Didn't dad always say "Life is like football. After that final whistle blows, that's the end. No more, no otherside""  And that is his only similarity with RJ.

5) Grace Van Pelt -> Oh dear God, how many idiots are there saying she had sex-change surgery and she is RJ ! Like uncle Einy said - human stupidity is infinite ! Same goes to those saying PJ is RJ.

6) Bertram - Someone who recited Blake's poem right in front of Lisbon can not be RJ. She later found that RJ recited Blake to PJ, and she could've connected those dots and tell Jane. This show will not be that lame.

7) Red sweater dude from S3 finale - he was there to make you question yourself, nothing more.

8) RJ is not Stiles, LaRoche, Ardiles, Mashburn, Haffner, Cho, Rigsby, Royston Daniel, Wagner, Molinari, Harken.

Some of the viable options left are Minelli, Mars, Cooper and we will add more once Jane gives us some big big names in the next episode.

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