Who is Red John?

Theories of DaLilSolja (23)

Please guys I really don't want to be spoiled about who RJ is with the cast list. I want to guess or find out by watching. Please stop posting the cast list for the show it's probably bogus  ...Kirkland is probably going to be in it anyway because of his job and two that's wrote by normal people.

Either way I don't want to stop coming on here with theories or reading theories and would appreciate if you wouldn't post such things

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The list troubles me. Red John troubles me. I'm not sure I understand why they have the list and why they are having the characters that could play Red John really well and leave us like "wow that's a good red john", DIE.  Which one is the most important,  the fact we couldn't guess who RJ was or the fact that we love the Red John that they create? I mean right now we still don't know for certain who he is. I mean none of us, we all have equally valid choices. So leaving Partridge in wasn't going to change anything with us. I would have been equally satisfied and would have guessed that he wasn't red John. I hope the actor they have chosen,  can transform into Red John at the drop of a hat and is really good at playing him because any thing short of a good performance is going to sink the show for me anyway.  Stiles is the only one that could do a show stopping performance? The rest I'm not sure? I could be wrong, they might be brilliant but they really need to be.

Also the descriptions, he has to match the descriptions otherwise what was the point of following the clues for the show at all? They would mean nothing at all. 

This brings me back to the whole lot of them being Red John. Its more likely to explain everything that has happened without using up too much air time. The group thing explains everything without having to explain anything and it also means that P.J will be hunting down the escapees from the explosion for the remainder of the season explains why the season doesn't finish with the killing of Red John. 

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Theory #8058 • By DaLilSolja
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One of the suspects might be strapped with explosives and when patrick is looking at their arms for the tattoo BOOOMMMMMMM One suspect down....a few to go

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Can we all just say how awful it would be if Red John was in fact the whole group of people? That would be the worst case scenario ever. The season 3 finale and the interaction of Red John, the fake one was so cold and he was disconnected from Patrick Jane. He is a man who equally loves and hates Jane so I hope that at least if Red John is in fact one person that we will have more of an interaction between the two before PJ kills him. He was gonna walk away from Jane without saying a hell of a lot to him. Patrick Jane did kill him but the smart Jane would have known straight off the bat that this was not Red John that killed his family. 

The group thing is impersonal, means that his wife and daughter died for some stupid reason, for nothing personal. This is the way I feel it is going. i feel that all the clues point to multiple people. Does anyone else feel this way? Would you be disappointed if all the suspects were in fact Red john. I hope the writers don't  go this way but it's the simplest explanation now and this is why the whole TYGER TYGER thing was brought in.

I hope the writers read this. It would be a terrible ending and not satisfying at all. please leave comments below to how you feel about this. I can't be the only one.

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I am just going to make this clear again so people can explain to me how the TT are separate from RJ. 
It was RJ that said he was going to kill until the list went down and either him or PJ is killed by one another. That means that Partridge on the list and Kirkland on the list too, had to be killed by Red John. Which means that Partridge and Kirkland were killed by the TT which belongs to Red JOHN. He owns the TT's. Otherwise RJ would have killed noone. They aren't two different things. They have to be the same thing. 
So we can assume that RJ uses the members of the TT's and doesn't mind killing them. We knew that already from Jane's analysis of his personality. Did he order the killing of Kirkland, or did Reede because he knew too much. Does that mean that the Sheriff, Reede and Bertram are all apart of the TT's. Bertram is ruled out as RJ as he is not a strong leader. however he did tell Jane that maybe he should speak to him alone about Red John.  The sheriff didn't have much to say either and his presence wasn't really made know. Reede could be red John but it's more likely that he is a follower of TT along with the other three. That leaves Stiles and Haffner seen walking side by side in most shots. Haffner is my bet.

Why was RJ going to kill the PI, did he speak to her and she told him that it didn't work. Wouldn't he have wanted to wait until she passed on the info or did he know straight away that the bug didn't work? How did he know it didn't work?

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We seen Haffner buffing up right in a sleeveless top. He is left handed but does he have a tattoo???? I can't remember seeing one. He is perfect ..a little too perfect. Red John would put on a show right wouldn't show his true self BUT he wouldn't be able to hide his competitive side with Jane. There is no way Red John would show how smart he is in his true form. No way. He would do the opposite.
Therefore, when someone can find the video of him then its might be him. I can't fiiind it so annoying.

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LEFT HANDED AND POINTED OUT A LITTLE TOO OBVIOUSLY. It almost seems like they are all pointed stuff out on purpose. Like they all know what Jane is looking for. Anyway he is giving off the vibe but he lacks confidence I feel

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