Who is Red John?

Theories of BlackIsTheNewRed (2)

In reply to to the theory about Brett Stiles being in the next episode, and connecting it to now, wasn't Stiles sick with cancer? What if the cure required a transplant, especially of a vital organ? This would link everything... I'm not saying he's RJ, but Blake association perhaps.

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Ok guys I know you guys are fast to come to a conclusion that this show sucks terribly. Well my theory breaks that possibility so bad that you may want to consider. An example would be the past 2 filler episodes (last 2 episodes). Both episodes shared 2 common characteristics such as: both were women, both were the most unexpected characters to be killers and were portrayed in such an obvious manner. Now thinking about this did you notice how the camera eerily lingers on the new FBI techie that helps out Jane's team. He even gets more screen time than Abbot. Now thinking back to the last episode a new serial killer, possibly an RJ copycat, B.A members, or either RJ himself or someone close to him that knew him well enough to kill just as well, has surfaced. He is watching all the former CBI members, and now that Ardilles is dead, something odd is going to happen. Never think this show is completely useless and full of fillers. I noticed a trend and was watching carefully for signs. The FBI techie is somehow connected to this new serial killer.

Just my though, please like/dislike and comment.

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