Who is Red John?

Theories of Big_Fan (1)

When PJ is in Sophie Millier's kitchen, RJ left a note that says "DINNER'S IN The OVEN."

Each "E" is written in a different manner - the dinnEr is uppercase block, the thE is lowercase, and the ovEn is cursive upper case.

Three E's.

The name "Reed" is not unusual, however the spelling "Reede" is.  It is unusual because it has 3 "e's."

Three E's.

Methinks we have been dropped a hint.

Reede Smith is Red John.  Even the name Reede contains Red.  The name Smith is the most common last name, while John was the most common male name in the 20th century.

Reede (Reed) is a English name meaning "Redheaded."

Last name "Smith" means "one who works with metal" or "to smite, strike."

The RJ Alias "Tagliafero" is an Italian name meaning "One who works with Iron" or "A strong or vicious fighter."

Reede Smith IS RJ.

Game, Set, Match.

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