Who is Red John?

Theories of BigAl (1)

Like many, I was pretty disappointed with the "ending" (or would be disappointed should it turn out to be the definitive ending - on this like most I live more in hope than in expectation) but what I would like to say is simply this: episode 8 has been labeled unconvincing by many,as has indeed much of the content of the series, but I would like to evoke the one moment of this series which has actually been convincing, believable and which,at the time, seemed not a trick but to be true.This moment came in the showdown at Jane's house, when McAllister revealed his tattoo. On seeing this, Jane grinned and was sure he had his man. Then came the biggest, most significant and convinving moment of the series. McAllister looks at Jane with fear in his eyes and says "You've got it wrong, Patrick. I'm not Red John".
I didn't and still don't believe this to have been a trick by McAllister. This was the most genuine and powerful moment of the series.

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