Who is Red John?

Theories of Bandini (3)

Theory #13162 • By Bandini
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I repost it to try to explain me better because Red John is Linus Wagner.

He gets arrested in the pilot so it's the perfect alibi but if you can manipulate the whole police,
it's not important. He discredited himslef on purpose. Don't forget he's
supposed to be as smart as PJ. Now look at the pilot again and think
it's all on purpose. Just to let Jane thinks he ruled the game. But he
didn't Linus was ruling the game like the poor sad man he was supposed
to be. Sorry for my bad english i'm french. The game is over. The first
episode could be called the game has started.

He drove Jane exactly where he wanted.

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Theory #13130 • By Bandini
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I was watching the pilot and the focus on the hands shake between the Dr and PJ was like the light in the dark.
He's a psychologist, he's smart and has a soft voice.

He's on the Jane's list of 7 too.


Just a guess. But look at the pilot and think like you would finish with the same guys you started.

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In the last show, there was the name Roy written on the ground near the dead body of Miranda, Lorelei's sister.

We had one clue that was He is man.

Both of them read in a different manner could be used as HEISMAN ( trophy ) and Rookie of the Year.

Red John has to do with football and Grace Van Pelt's father is a former Wide Receiver.

The red of Red John could come from Van Pelt's hair.

Red John is Amos Van Pelt.

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