Who is Red John?

Theories of BackToReede (1)

Yes, it is Reede Smith and, yes, he's a disappointment.

1) We are working a bit too hard here.  Heller has said that the person is on the list.

2) The previews are telling us that the killer is one of three people with the tattoo.

3) If we go back to the office scene where all three were talking about Jane, it was Smith who was in charge.

4) There is a link to a photo that looks like Reede in this theory: http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/5578

I always felt like that episode where the photo came from was about the closest that we had gotten to seeing Red John.

5) Our main reason for not liking it to be Reede is his weight.  Height and age are about right.

I keep going back and forth between the sheriff and Reede, but I think it's going to be Reede.

Afraid of heights ....

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