Who is Red John?

Theories of Ashley (3)

In the middle of the episoude S06E03 McAllister arrives with jane and lisbon at the "bella-vista" and he doesn't want to go there, maybe afraid of highs? NO.

When they arrive you can lister the sound of birds, so he starts looking to everywhere as you can see. He is indeed unconfortable there, then he left.

I dont believe that McAllister. But somehow he doesn't like birds.

That the reason he killed "Partidge" first haha

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If you pay attention, there is no interaction between Jane and Red John at the phone call. So I guess RJ made Patridge record this message and used it to misslead PJ.


For fun..

1) Newbie Killer Level = Patridge isn't RJ, the real RJ killed him....
2) Serial Killer Level = Patridge is RJ, he fakes his death...
3) Master Mind Level = Patridge isn't RJ, the real RJ killed him and will hide the body, so everyone will start thinging Patridge faked his death (2) and will blame him for being RJ...
4) Red John Level = Something else, because all that sh.i.t is previsible and RJ isn't.

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More on Dean Harkin

"I'll call my friends at the FBI, get them to take over from you. In fact, I will do that."
―Dean Harken, on his powerful friends

 Dean Harken is a character in Code Red.
He's an Agent of CDCA (California
Disease Control Agency), based on real CDC (Center of Disease Control
and Prevention), that investigate on biological menace, especially on
dangerous diseases.
He's probably married (has a wedding ring at finger), and Patrick Jane
describe him as one who like scared people, and an irksome man.

He has friends in FBI, possibility of money (stealing the flask of GMO virus), and poison Rebecca with special venom.

In episode Black Cherry, his name is in Jane's List of
Suspects to be Red John, with the notes: Agent CDCA - Red Hair - Biotech
Facility. Jane talks briefly on him with Lisbon.

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