Who is Red John?

Theories of Arvindo (2)

I know it's been a few years down the road and Bret Stiles has passed. But whatever happened to visualize? As far as I know, they have been under severe FBI investigation for a long time now. I think they should at least address this issue. 

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I know you're itching to thumbs down, but indulge me for a moment. This is a follow-up to my previous post (7168) about BP being alive and happily feeding pigeons on a park bench while wearing his favorite bracelet/watch: http://i.imgur.com/6Ez7I0R.jpg (Image is NOT mine, please let me know who made it so I can give you credit for it, because you rock).

I'd like to respond to the "Heller/Plotnick insist he's dead and they would never lie to us" contingent. Producers and actors lie all the time about this exact same thing. Then they try to get off on incredibly lame technicalities. If you haven't seen the new Battlestar Gallactica from a few years ago, skip the next paragraph because it will spoil the crud out of you. As far as I can tell, you can't hide spoilers on this page.

****Spoiler: Remember when Starbuck "died"? Starbuck fans wailed and gnashed their teeth all summer long, but I didn't believe it for a second. The producers and Katee Sackhoff just went on and on and on about how she was really dead and would never come back--they protested a bit too much. Then, lo and behold, Starbuck wanders back in a few episodes later. She looks like/acts like/has the same genes and memories as Starbuck, and is absolutely convinced that she's Starbuck. Then we discover during the finale that she was one of those creepy angel-type people who was completely indistinguishable (even on a genetic level) from Starbuck. It was an incredibly lame stunt. But we swallowed it without much fuss because we were too busy trying to choke down the turdburger that was the rest of the series finale. But I digress.*****End Spoiler

If you think Heller and his merry band of goons would never mislead you, then I fear that life will bring you many disappointments. Personally, I HATE BP as a suspect. He sucks--HARD. He just happens to suck a tiny bit less than the rest of the losers on the suspect list (Why, Bruno, why??????). I'm not going to go into the various reasons he could be Red John, because they've been done ad nauseam. I can put it in the comments on request. My point is that this photo is pretty good evidence that BP is still alive. And if he's still alive, he's the best fit for Red John out of this disappointing bunch.

I'd be thrilled if it turned out that RJ isn't someone on the list (although I'd probably want to punch Heller in the face). My personal pick has always been Ellis Mars ("He is mar" = "El es Mar..." plus the actor is awesome). Tons of people would make a better RJ than Partridge. Unless it's the newly-revealed Michael Kirkland--if it is, I'll probably spend several days vomiting out of rage and disgust.

So just look at the photo and tell me honestly if you think it's Partridge on that bench. Because I think it is.

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