Who is Red John?

Theory #9903 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


William blake was a believer in gnosticism. You should read up on it cuz red john is the demiurge...... This is also the perspective of most of the works of Blake: his Book of Urizen, for example, describes a god figure that separates himself from his own creator in order to achieve absolute power over a small collection of secondary beings. This power is enforced by rigid laws of worship and extreme punishment for any who question his authority. The Demiurge and Urizen exist in the multi-verse of His Dark Materials as the false creator, The Authority, and his regent Metatron.

The demiurge is both sexis just like van pelt and i knowni sound crazy but we will see soon:)

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