Who is Red John?

Theory #9901 • by yuko-e


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Once again, rather than a theory, this is more of a thought.
Something struck me as odd when I was going over the recent episodes in my head, and it was kind of bugging me: exactly on what grounds did Patrick assume that Kira (private investigator from The Red Tattoo) was hired by RJ? I couldn't remember, so I went and re-watched the ending of episode 5.

It turns out, the moment Cooper (was that the name?) says he/Visualize did not bug their office, Patrick says that Kira was hired by RJ. It was the logical conclusion at that moment, since he wasn't aware of the existence of Tyger Tyger.
Now, in view of the recent events, we know that the three dot tattoo is the mark of the organization. And since Kira said nothing else except that her attacker had that tattoo, there is really no evidence to suggest that it was Red John.
Was the person who hired and killed Kira from Tyger Tyger? Most probably. Since they seem to have been keeping tabs on Patrick, they have enough motive to want to be in on whatever his team does (although, the reason for sending a private investigator when the members are all in law enforcement eludes me completely, same goes even if it's RJ's doing).

My point is, we can't say with certainty that RJ was involved, even though Patrick's assumption is understandable. Hence, the tattoo clue might also be bogus.

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