Who is Red John?

Theory #9869 • by bettyboo


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


We already know that Red John is one of the suspects on the list. It's been said already and spoiled so it's not anyone else. We also know that Red John IS the leader of the TT group. Those are the two things that we know for sure.
I don't know why people hate the list so much. It's down to 5 and we still can't figure out who it is. It will be down another three or two next episode and we STILL won't be able to know for sure who it is. The list is a safety net. I like the list...it means that they can't pull red john out of their asses..for example it won't be Kristina Fry ..thank GOD..who wants Red John to be Kristina Fry?....because I don't.
It can't be Laroche either because lets face it he is worse than Reede. Yes Reede is bad but the rest aren't. They are great contenders. Bertram, Haffner they make sense. Stiles is old but he feeds the conspiracy that Red John is a group of people. Partridge died and people still think he is coming back. The list is a good idea. I mean Ellis Mars was the oddest person in the show and who would want him as Red John. 
Accept the list people....Accept that RH's account of Red John can be flawed and time has past. Accept what we have seen of Red John ourselves as evidence.
He is one of the 7 so start figuring out who he is from the list. Tv Guide wouldn't lie would they?
My final choices are still Bertram. If I had to choose a second I would choose Haffner.

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