Who is Red John?

Theory #9693 • by bettyboo


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


About the bomb...who says that it wasn't Jane that set the bomb to throw Lisbon and the others off, maybe he high tailed it out of there with the suspects that were left alive OR before it went off.
If RJ did plant the bomb maybe it was only on one side of the room maybe he was looking for his moment to escape or maybe he predicted that Jane would separate the three with the tattoos to one side. 
Maybe RJ notified all the TT members about the bomb and let them in on the plan would explain why there is the three left alive next episode.
I wonder why he would try and blow up Jane if he desperately wants a relationship with Jane in the end. Maybe he is desperate with the TT being exposed.

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