Allright let's take a big loop here.
Lorelei wasn't killed by Red John. She was killed by the Tiger Tiger clan, which Partridge was a part of. At S05E22 he misspoke.
The photographer asks, after Partrigde stated RJ layed down for years: 'RJ killed recentely, didn't he?' Partridge now realizes his little mistake and talks himself out of it: 'Euh, Lorelei Martins was an intern affair, that doesn't count.' But he actualy knows the truth: Tiger Tiger killed her, and he made it look like a RJ killing just as he did several times before (not always that good cause Jane saw through the details). They killed Lorelei to irritate RJ (who didn't know anything about what she said to Jane about shaking hands) and maybe because she shot a cop before - or she knew some things.
Now, what about the DVD and the list of 7? It definetely was a trick, but, once again, one by Jane himself. He made the DVD when he was still with Lorelei (who was thankful to him for saying the truth about her sister) in case she would die. When she does, the DVD helps Jane to misdirect Lisbon (and via her the rest of the team) about the suspects. She now for sure falsely believes that these are the RJ suspects.
The DVD that the woman who stole the child in S05E22 really handed over, was a complete different one, by RJ himself. He cuts Jane a deal, that even Lisbon cannot know: if Jane helps him to dismantle the Tiger Tiger conspiracy, he will reveal his identity. Jane takes the deal and start hunting for the Tigers, which he allready knew of, and those are the people that his list of 7 contains (probably he also suspected Haffner and Kirkland to be a Tiger, Partridge surely was one - why Stiles is on that list seems unclear). He uses RJ as bait.
RJ meanwhile takes revenge for Lorelei's death and kills Partrigde, a key link in the chain of Tigers. Bertram and both Smith look worried after reveiving the news of his death. 'You sure it's him?'
Now things are getting loose and one of the Tigers goes after RJ's new spy, the private investigator. Not RJ who killed her. RJ isn't killing too much; he is getting desperate to become friends with Jane. Kirklands death is double: it both fits the Tigers and RJ cause Kirkland was tracking down the two of them.
Stiles is wanted by the FBI, thus by Reede Smith. They want to question him about two murders from over 20 years in the past, this must be about the Red Barn killings in 1988 by RJ. Stiles hides at the ambasade because he feels that they're closing in on RJ, and he wants to protect him (maybe he knows about Smiths overagressive style of interviewing and is genuinely afraid). Could be Haffner is RJ, and by accident also got on Janes Tiger Tiger-list. Then it could be someone completely different.
Is there a link between Visualize and the Tiger Tiger clan? Probably, and that link is probably Red John.