Who is Red John?

Theory #9034 • by mielny


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Red John is not on the list/or is presumed dead (that leaves Partridge/Haffner). Why?. Patrick Jane - the most brilliant detective from all tv series/movies I've seen (and I believe most of you too) wouldn't just do a random kill on a guy who has 3 dots tatoo on his shoulder. Why? Because he already did that mistake once and I can bet everything that he's not that stupid to do this again. Personally I've been suspecting Partridge since the 1st episode and I hope somehow it's going to be him/Haffner or someone else not from the list. Patrick Jane in one of episodes said to Lisbon that ppl should always trust their feelings. Imho Patrick Jane is pulling something like a "long con" here.
First of all I don't know on what you guys have been building your theories but I thought of reasons that Jane would put these ppl on his list.

Season 1 episode 1 - First scene. We see CBI team doing their investigation, Brett Partridge comes in saying "Red John enters here..." isn't that obvious? What I mean is in my opinion a good writer in most of the times knows an ending of his story, so imho it's obvious that we must have met Red John in season 1.
Among all of the seven suspects he has no authority and power in law enforcement or even resources such as the rest of them. But I'd also bet that he's indeed a member of the Law Enforcement Conspiracy (I like to call this "The L.E.C.").
He was present at each possible Red John crime scene and each time he was wrong in his judgement or atleast he pretended to be. That might have been a thing that Jane noticed.
He perfectly fits Rosalind's description.
Red John said to Patrick that he's about to show him what being clever means. What would be a better way than to guide Patrick to pick 7 names when 1 of them is actually true and then fake your own death. Why am I thinking that Brett's death is a fake? Because they were always showing us how Jane reacts on that smiley face, this time they didnt.
Have you seen Bret Stiles reaction on Jane's words: One of you is Red John?
He lol'd Jane just as he wanted to say - after all this time and clues ppl gave you, you still dont know anything. I dont remember in which episode Stiles said to Jane that he knows more than Jane and RJ think. Also I bet Bret knew about The L.E.C. and thats why he stopped Jane from shooting McAllister. Bret Stiles knew Red John identity. 
Also I've always been thinking that the last season of The Mentalist is going to be a brain war between PJ and RJ and so far all we've got is a random elimination. If all of this isn't a great trick that is suppoused to make us all like "WTF, how is it possible to him to be Red John" then I'll really regret watching this.

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